Friday, June 26, 2009

Crockett's Back... So long Micheal and Farrah

Well we had a little computer trouble over the past couple of days but all is well now. So with that being said, lets get up to speed. LSU wins National Championship!! Go SEC!! Go Louis!! It was pretty fantastic. I and probably everyone else for that matter figured we would see Louis back on the mound in that 3rd and final game, but I didn't envision he would be up there with the lead he had. The Dreadlocks of Doom(Chad Jones) came in after the starter(Ranaudo) and threw two strong innings to put Texas on there backs and then they gave the ball to the man in the eighth. As I told Mac via text message during the game, it was only fitting that he be on the mound to close out the season. He was the opening day starter and if you watched any of the CWS you know how the coaches feel about him and his decision to stay for his senior year. And close out the season he did. I can say this with complete certainty, he is the only person I know that has won a National Championship and we here at the blog are happy for him and his family and teammates.

Moving along, I don't recall ever in my time on this earth where two "Icons" passed away on the same day. I can remember a friend bringing the "Thriller" album to school in the 2nd grade for show and tell. We put the record on and just let it play. It took a few songs, but before long the whole class was groovin and trying to moon walk and what have you. Chappelle even did a skit on him concerning his extra activities at the 'Ranch' and I think Chappelle said it best, He made 'Thriller'..... 'Thriller'. As for Farrah, I am sure she was the subject of many young boys fantasies back in the day. Anyway, they will be missed and we will never forget them.

So with that being said, I would like to tell you what it is like without the internet. It is not that bad. Honestly, it was like not having an obligation. You know, you get to work, you have to check your email a hundred times a day, maybe adjust the roster of your fantasy team, whatever. I went a week without doing any of that and was pretty cool after the 4th day. I guess I just decided the hell with it. Now make no mistake, I am glad it is back. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this pile of useless rambling. I am just saying, it was nice to know I can survive without it. It's not like it is a cell phone or anything. Anywho, hope all is well.

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