Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Seriously, WTF is wrong with "musicians" these days? (the term musician is used very very loosely) If you saw anything about the Kanye West incident on any website you probably saw these pictures of Lady Gaga (another no talent ass clown I've never heard of) on there as well. It's really nice of the music industry to let someone who's "mentally challenged" make music and get awards. I mean life is tough for these individuals and they should be allowed to feel good about themselves. A little heads up, if you have to google search this person to see what in the hell they have ever done, don't use youtube. I made the mistake of searching her there and a song called "Poker Face" came up and no doubt that piece of shit will be stuck in my head when I try to go to sleep tonight. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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