Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I have wanted to get an AR-15 for awhile and I figured since I now (for my job) know just about everything there is to know about them, why not build one myself. So here is a picture of the first piece, the lower receiver. It houses the trigger assembly, pistol grip, safety, magazine catch/release and the butt stock. All sold separately. I picked it up today and it cost me $110. I got a good deal because I got some guys from my class to get one too so the guy gave us a discount since we bought quite a few of them. The ones I've seen at gun shows ran from about $150 - $175. Anyway, this will take a while and I hope to have a finished product by next summer as some of the parts are quite expensive if you want quality. Below is a picture of a basic one finished. Mine will have some accessories that this one doesn't but the basics are all the same.

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