Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Something to get the day started...
Well, it almost midnight, so nobody will see this till the a.m. so what the heck. Can't argue with this guy. A true friggin badass from Mississippi.
The Misadventures of Doe and Terry....part 4
At this point, my fire is a flicker. I am burnt out. Several months of the same routine, grinding it out. I directly attributed this to being still in my young twenties and wanting to partake in activities with friends and family, etc. I had about three or four friends that lived across town in the bustling downtown area, hadn't seen them once. They went out each weekend and lived it up, while I was in a restaurant taking care of a staff of people older than me, but the maturity level of a pre-schooler and having to constantly be as sharp as a razor. Well that razor was dull and I was pretty stressed out. I recall an impromptu visit from the folks on a early weeknight for dinner. After dinner, I walked them to their car and they had all these concerns about my health. Said, I looked like hell. I did. And I felt like hell too. I had slowed down on the going out every night after work and opted to just go home. The only certain nights of after work intoxication were on Monday and Tuesday. Three for One on Monday and Two for one on Tuesday. Times were tough, had to be economical about the party scene.
The Staff, despite there bitchiness and occasional screwed up barometer for life, was in pretty good shape. Business wasn't as hectic in the early parts of the week as it had been so some people got the night off. Good and Bad with this crowd. The kitchen was better from the standpoint of having guys cross-trained to handle all the various stations so that some peeps could catch a break as well. I was one of six people who didn't have the luxury of a night off during the week. If we were open for business, we were there. Someone had to watch over things, just part of it. However, it would have been nice to have a break midweek or sometime. Get rested up for the weekend, maybe take a stab at having a social life or a relationship. Something to keep you fresh. All the same, it was nothing but business from the time you walked in that door to the time you left. The way it is and the way it should be. No time to play around, there is a job to be had here.
The boys in the back, keeping the place running, in dishland. Well, they ran like a top. Full speed ahead. They didn't take nights off. Not because they didn't want too, but because they couldn't. Every time we brought in a new guy to work back there, they ran him off. I think they had stated a claim on that piece of turf. This was there dishland. A great deal of pride on there part for wanting to be there. Maybe they didn't think the job would get done with a new guy, I don't know. I think they just like the idea of having money in there pocket. Lord knows, with the child support, it had to be rough on them. Not to mention, they had it setup pretty well with the fish all day, work all night routine. Even with the guys in dishland doing well, there was still some dissention between them and the waitstaff personnel. No biggie, happens in a lot of restaurants. Most waitstaff look down on the dishwashers because they feel they are beneath them and in the grand scheme of things, they really are, but that shouldn't be an issue. I am pretty sure none of the lightweights we had on the floor wanted to tangle with the muscle in the back. Wouldn't have been pretty. And to further infuriate the staff, Terry slapped up a tip jar on the pass of the dishland station. There was a lot of scoffing by some of the staff, not all, but some took this as a slap in the face. I thought it was brilliant. He should be getting tipped out at the end of the night by these people. They are making bank and he is doing some of the legwork that puts money in there pockets. Why not slide the boys a fiver or ten when you have a good night. Keeps the respect thing in check. Some of the front of the house peeps gladly did this and in return they would ask Terry or Doe for favor and more often that not, they did it. But they ones who didn't play ball, well they were just bitter asses who really just needed there asses whipped.
One waiter in particular really must have had it in for Terry. I guess the guy just didn't like Terry and all the love and praise that he received. Probably because this guy got none. He was a prick, he had a raucous case of halitosis, and by and large was a jackass when it came to all things wine related. He and I never really got along all that well either. He felt like since he knew more about wine than I did that he should be in charge of the cellar. He bitched enough about it that we finally gave him a key to the cellar and even let him assist in the inventory side of it. Anyway, he came up to me and too several other people and expressed his concern because he sensed the smell of pot on Terry. I told him, you probably do. Is he falling behind back there with the dishes? Are there any problems at his dish station? To which he replied, well no, but I thought you should know this. At this point, after all the crap we had been through just to have two guys here to do this job of washing dishes, I pretty much told him to focus on his work and I would handle Terry and Doe. So, I went back there and struck up a convo with Terry to see if I could detect any smell that resembled that of one who had been blazin. I didn't. All I smelt was sweat and fish. I promptly told him that he smelt like fish and that he need to make sure his hands were scrubbed better even though he had washed them. I knew that guy was trying to sabotage the dishland crew. He was that type. Eventually, as the afternoon turned into evening, Terry caught wind of this and he had some fun. As the front of the house crew was assembling for pre-shift meeting at the pass between the kitchen and the dining room, Terry came strolling by with the mop and bucket. He had just gotten done putting the finishing touches on the bathrooms. He took a long hard look at the waitstaff and belted out, "Can you smell me now?" Sorta his way of saying, kiss my ass, too all the people who had been spending so much time around him trying to catch a whiff to see if they could detect any hints of the green on him. Nobody ever messed with Terry again after that. Victory Dishland.
The Staff, despite there bitchiness and occasional screwed up barometer for life, was in pretty good shape. Business wasn't as hectic in the early parts of the week as it had been so some people got the night off. Good and Bad with this crowd. The kitchen was better from the standpoint of having guys cross-trained to handle all the various stations so that some peeps could catch a break as well. I was one of six people who didn't have the luxury of a night off during the week. If we were open for business, we were there. Someone had to watch over things, just part of it. However, it would have been nice to have a break midweek or sometime. Get rested up for the weekend, maybe take a stab at having a social life or a relationship. Something to keep you fresh. All the same, it was nothing but business from the time you walked in that door to the time you left. The way it is and the way it should be. No time to play around, there is a job to be had here.
The boys in the back, keeping the place running, in dishland. Well, they ran like a top. Full speed ahead. They didn't take nights off. Not because they didn't want too, but because they couldn't. Every time we brought in a new guy to work back there, they ran him off. I think they had stated a claim on that piece of turf. This was there dishland. A great deal of pride on there part for wanting to be there. Maybe they didn't think the job would get done with a new guy, I don't know. I think they just like the idea of having money in there pocket. Lord knows, with the child support, it had to be rough on them. Not to mention, they had it setup pretty well with the fish all day, work all night routine. Even with the guys in dishland doing well, there was still some dissention between them and the waitstaff personnel. No biggie, happens in a lot of restaurants. Most waitstaff look down on the dishwashers because they feel they are beneath them and in the grand scheme of things, they really are, but that shouldn't be an issue. I am pretty sure none of the lightweights we had on the floor wanted to tangle with the muscle in the back. Wouldn't have been pretty. And to further infuriate the staff, Terry slapped up a tip jar on the pass of the dishland station. There was a lot of scoffing by some of the staff, not all, but some took this as a slap in the face. I thought it was brilliant. He should be getting tipped out at the end of the night by these people. They are making bank and he is doing some of the legwork that puts money in there pockets. Why not slide the boys a fiver or ten when you have a good night. Keeps the respect thing in check. Some of the front of the house peeps gladly did this and in return they would ask Terry or Doe for favor and more often that not, they did it. But they ones who didn't play ball, well they were just bitter asses who really just needed there asses whipped.
One waiter in particular really must have had it in for Terry. I guess the guy just didn't like Terry and all the love and praise that he received. Probably because this guy got none. He was a prick, he had a raucous case of halitosis, and by and large was a jackass when it came to all things wine related. He and I never really got along all that well either. He felt like since he knew more about wine than I did that he should be in charge of the cellar. He bitched enough about it that we finally gave him a key to the cellar and even let him assist in the inventory side of it. Anyway, he came up to me and too several other people and expressed his concern because he sensed the smell of pot on Terry. I told him, you probably do. Is he falling behind back there with the dishes? Are there any problems at his dish station? To which he replied, well no, but I thought you should know this. At this point, after all the crap we had been through just to have two guys here to do this job of washing dishes, I pretty much told him to focus on his work and I would handle Terry and Doe. So, I went back there and struck up a convo with Terry to see if I could detect any smell that resembled that of one who had been blazin. I didn't. All I smelt was sweat and fish. I promptly told him that he smelt like fish and that he need to make sure his hands were scrubbed better even though he had washed them. I knew that guy was trying to sabotage the dishland crew. He was that type. Eventually, as the afternoon turned into evening, Terry caught wind of this and he had some fun. As the front of the house crew was assembling for pre-shift meeting at the pass between the kitchen and the dining room, Terry came strolling by with the mop and bucket. He had just gotten done putting the finishing touches on the bathrooms. He took a long hard look at the waitstaff and belted out, "Can you smell me now?" Sorta his way of saying, kiss my ass, too all the people who had been spending so much time around him trying to catch a whiff to see if they could detect any hints of the green on him. Nobody ever messed with Terry again after that. Victory Dishland.
The Spocker

I know what you are thinking...me too. Damndest thing I've ever seen. Don't know who the other dude is, but it's not me.
Good Weekend!! Good Year!!

Sweep!! Enough Said!! In addition, that is a SWEEP of LSU for the YEAR!!! Football, Basketball, and now Baseball....Better Luck next year Tigers.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
6-game Homestand Rebel Faithful

Thats right folks, over the course of the next week or so the Rebels will be playing baseball in the friendly, yet charming confines of Swayze Field. It all kicks off tonight with a game tonight @ 6:30 with the in-state Southern Miss Golden Eagles. I like to call em the Mustard Buzzards. Then the all important three game series against SEC West Rivals, and team we love to hate, LSU. The Rebs get back in action, next week in a couple of non-conference matchups with Murray State on Tuesday, and UT-Martin on Wednesday. Both of those games will be @ 6:30 as well. The Rebels are 24-13 on the season and 8-7 in the SEC. We will have some insight into the weekend matchup as soon as it is available to us. Thanks.
Thanks to the Readers!!
I suppose this is a milestone in the careers of Crockett and Macarthur....10,000 plus visits to the site. Wow!! Considering that this site is not updated daily and is laced with BS and shenanigans, we'll take that as a, you like us....you really, really like us. Again, thank you for visiting our site. We aim to please.
The Misadventures of Doe and Terry....part 3
I don't remember what day it is at this point. I just know it is a constant routine. Wake up with a slight hangover, lunch, go to work at or around 1 p.m., meet deliveries, inventory spirits, check reservations,check schedule, check with the kitchen, put out fires. It is a continuous cycle. I had gotten into a routine... a never ending barrage of saying "thank you", "welcome", "hello", "I'm sorry, please allow me to correct this situation". Any preconceptions about things staying on an even keel close to perfect are gone. Mistakes happen, they are inevitable. Regardless of how hard you are trying and how much time and effort you are putting into the work. You can't be perfect everyday. But, you can continue to work towards that and hope if any damage is ascertained, that it is minimal.
By now, the non-hackers, staff-wise are gone. They got weeded out for whatever reasons. Maybe the pace was too much. Maybe the demands to be perfect are to great. Maybe, they realized there former dependencies are too much to deal with while serving drinks to a packed bar. Actually had a former alcoholic walk out mid-shift because he couldn't handle the pressure and temptation. At the time, I didn't understand that. I thought it was a selfish act or that maybe this person just really didn't want to be here and he used that as an excuse to "jump ship" right in the middle of the battle. Whatever, I was actually glad that person was gone. Kinda gave me the creeps in a psycho type way. As it stands we had an eclectic mix of personal. Former hippies that had been doing the job so long that they forget when they started, musicians, part-time beauticians, full-time writers, occasional addicts, and the ever present wine snob with halitosis. The one thing I was thankful for was that they were all capable of doing a really good job. Just had to hope they were in the right head to do so. Problems did arise with a few, not many, but a few. For the most part, many of them had a vested interest in what was going on. They liked working there, they appreciated what was trying to be accomplished, they were curious, they were enthusiastic. There was one cat, who, by and large, stood above the rest. This person was a truly phenomenal waiter. Overload him with tables, not a problem. Put him with a partner who liked to coast, not a problem, he'll carry the whole table. But even he was far from perfect. Everybody has flaws, it is just part of life. This guy liked to party and occasionally dabble in some euphoric side activities. This was a problem, because he would occasionally show up for work looking like Keith Richards after a 15 day layover in Amsterdam. Just completely strung out. The old College adage, "Puke and Rally". Well, that was him. If he walked in with a liter from the "Whole Foods Market", you knew he just got home from going out. I don't recall what the name of that concoction was, but it was loaded with antioxidants. Sorta like a flush of the system. One of those,a pot of coffee, a trip to the lavatory, and gallon of water later, right back on schedule. I am glad,well extremely grateful, I never hung out with this person. There is no telling what I would have been exposed too and it would probably be things that would haunt my mind to this day.
All that being said, the one area where no underlying problems existed was in dishland. Terry was a badass. Fish all day in the hot ass sun, come to work with a cooler full of fish, bass, bream, crappie, drum, and whatever trash fish he snagged in the back of the Tempo, and just go straight to work. Unfortunately, the guy that replaced Doe, well, he didn't last. I don't think he and Terry really "Jeehawed". So, in a act of desperation, we had to hire Doe back. There was nobody else in the cupboard. Of course, there were stipulations to this second go round with Doe. Naturally, no engaging in any "mind-clearing" exercises at work. Don't show up for work with your "mind cleared". If that is your thing, then you can do that after work. But, while you are here, you are here to work and we need you not be a thorn to the team. Doe agreed, albeit it seemed like a reluctant okay. I really think that Terry had something to do with this. I really think that Terry ran the new guy, who did so well, off in an attempt to try and get Doe his job back. Terry and Doe were boys. They fished together, probably hung out a pretty decent amount together and chased women. If Terry did play a part in this, by god, it worked. We had Doe back, for better or worse.
By now, the non-hackers, staff-wise are gone. They got weeded out for whatever reasons. Maybe the pace was too much. Maybe the demands to be perfect are to great. Maybe, they realized there former dependencies are too much to deal with while serving drinks to a packed bar. Actually had a former alcoholic walk out mid-shift because he couldn't handle the pressure and temptation. At the time, I didn't understand that. I thought it was a selfish act or that maybe this person just really didn't want to be here and he used that as an excuse to "jump ship" right in the middle of the battle. Whatever, I was actually glad that person was gone. Kinda gave me the creeps in a psycho type way. As it stands we had an eclectic mix of personal. Former hippies that had been doing the job so long that they forget when they started, musicians, part-time beauticians, full-time writers, occasional addicts, and the ever present wine snob with halitosis. The one thing I was thankful for was that they were all capable of doing a really good job. Just had to hope they were in the right head to do so. Problems did arise with a few, not many, but a few. For the most part, many of them had a vested interest in what was going on. They liked working there, they appreciated what was trying to be accomplished, they were curious, they were enthusiastic. There was one cat, who, by and large, stood above the rest. This person was a truly phenomenal waiter. Overload him with tables, not a problem. Put him with a partner who liked to coast, not a problem, he'll carry the whole table. But even he was far from perfect. Everybody has flaws, it is just part of life. This guy liked to party and occasionally dabble in some euphoric side activities. This was a problem, because he would occasionally show up for work looking like Keith Richards after a 15 day layover in Amsterdam. Just completely strung out. The old College adage, "Puke and Rally". Well, that was him. If he walked in with a liter from the "Whole Foods Market", you knew he just got home from going out. I don't recall what the name of that concoction was, but it was loaded with antioxidants. Sorta like a flush of the system. One of those,a pot of coffee, a trip to the lavatory, and gallon of water later, right back on schedule. I am glad,well extremely grateful, I never hung out with this person. There is no telling what I would have been exposed too and it would probably be things that would haunt my mind to this day.
All that being said, the one area where no underlying problems existed was in dishland. Terry was a badass. Fish all day in the hot ass sun, come to work with a cooler full of fish, bass, bream, crappie, drum, and whatever trash fish he snagged in the back of the Tempo, and just go straight to work. Unfortunately, the guy that replaced Doe, well, he didn't last. I don't think he and Terry really "Jeehawed". So, in a act of desperation, we had to hire Doe back. There was nobody else in the cupboard. Of course, there were stipulations to this second go round with Doe. Naturally, no engaging in any "mind-clearing" exercises at work. Don't show up for work with your "mind cleared". If that is your thing, then you can do that after work. But, while you are here, you are here to work and we need you not be a thorn to the team. Doe agreed, albeit it seemed like a reluctant okay. I really think that Terry had something to do with this. I really think that Terry ran the new guy, who did so well, off in an attempt to try and get Doe his job back. Terry and Doe were boys. They fished together, probably hung out a pretty decent amount together and chased women. If Terry did play a part in this, by god, it worked. We had Doe back, for better or worse.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Buzz Bin Tuesday....On Wednesday Again
Yeah, yeah, yeah...running behind once again. Anyway, you can't argue with this performance. Stay tuned, we will have some updates up soon.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Opening Day!!!

Ah, The baseball season is finally here and it has been a pretty stellar day so far. Been a good bit of offense today and the fantasy team looked pretty good as well. I watched bits and pieces of several games and none really trumped this moment by Jason Heyward. This guy played for the home team here in Mississippi so its nice to see this guy get off to a good start in his first Pro game with the big club. Storybook kind of stuff here...first major league AB and he hits a 3 run homer. Pretty incredible. I love the fans going crazy with his parents.
And third base side as well....
And I really feel like this needs to be put out there as play of day. You might never see this happen again. Of course, it may be practiced now...I mean, Agassi used to hit balls between his legs; They chunk it between the legs in B-Ball; But this just doesn't happen in baseball. However, he might have gotten back to the dugout and Ozzie might have given him one of the Ole Lou Brown classics...
Lou Brown: Nice catch, Hayes. Don't ever fuckin' do it again.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
And that Bunny is sly....
Kinda a great movie...If you haven't seen it, shame on you.
Latarian Milton
I have been meaning too get to this kid for some time now. I got the tip from a friend about this youth and he is the real deal. You get the feeling that we are just lucky to be sharing this kids air.
The Misadventures of Doe and Terry....part 2
So, this place is busy to the point of insanity. I can barely think or process a rationale thought. I was overwhelmed but had no idea that was what it was. I just thought, keep working....get there early, do what you can do to contribute and try and keep as much in order as you can....if you can. I tell ya, I have never been apart of a 'Grand Opening' so I had no clue what to think or what to expect. I was just going to do what I could do to assist where I could, when I could. I didn't even know if I was doing things correctly, but nobody was telling me I was doing it wrong, so I just kept on plugging along. The days and nights were running together because once we got off work, we went out. Not out in the sense that we stayed out all night, but we generally grabbed a meal and few drinks after work at a few places that stayed open into the morning hours. This was a lot to process, as this was all unexpected, so a few days went by before I mentioned to the boss about me catching Doe out back smoking on the doja. I just forget about because it didn't happen again for the rest of the week that I knew about.
Anyway, I bring it up to the boss and he is none to pleased, as he should be. So, it is approaching Saturday, and low and behold, Doe gets let go, or fired... however you want to slice it, he was gone. So we started the next week with a new guy back there on dishes. Terry was still there and he quickly moved in on the new guy and introduced him to the pot scrubbing station. Can't say that I blame him ya know. Big difference in the work there . Ok, you got a three compartment sink with water that is sitting at 150 degrees plus due to sanitation and what not, or you can work the dish station where you spray off the dishes into a disposal and load them into a tray to get run through a dish machine that is hitting at 150 degrees plus where you don't actually have to dip your hands into the sub boiling water. Pretty smart move by Terry, shifting the new guy over to the pot scrubbing station. Gotta hand it to him on that part and certainly can't blame him. Anybody who has been in the biz knows scrubbing pots and skillets with all the cooked on bits and pieces pretty much sucks a fatty.
So this new guy is about as uneventful as a person can get. No priors that anyone is aware of...no blatant disregard for authority, no bad habits....... the guy just works and does a good job. Pretty great in my book, but certainly nothing to write about considering that I can't even remember the guys name. The fellow just gets to work on time and does exactly that...works. Well, I kinda had a hunch that he wouldn't be digging that station for very long, because it sucks, and I was correct about my hunch. In just the matter of a week and half, he was up in Terry's grill about swapping stations throughout the week. It got so bad that I had to intervene and rotate the guys where one did this job one day and the other the next. All the while, Doe would show up in the afternoons asking for his job back. Pleading with us, stating that he would not engage in his extracurricular activities during work hours. We weren't buying it. We had a guy here that wanted to work and did a good job working when he was here. Why would we want this potential hazard back there in dishland?.....we didn't. We could just rotate this guy and Terry and it would all be good, and it was.
I have to admit, it is some sort of sick human nature to have "projects"....or people that are somewhat dysfunctional that you want to help them and try to make them better people. Even when you are uncertain if you can even change these people. Some of them are beyond help in the outside world. In the job place, you can throw out the problems, the dependencies, the whatever it may be issues, they can turn into outstanding employees. They may be a trainwreck outside of work, but once they get to work, they are golden. It is like, they have a feeling of safety or a sense of belonging at the job. I like to think that it is a sense of pride because regardless of how remedial the task is, whether it is cleaning bathrooms, or dishes or scrubbing pots, these guys take pride in it because I believe they really understand that they are important to the organization or the machine and we need them to keep the machine running......and we do. They are important. They are the behind the scenes people that are helping keep the whole thing moving forward. So once you can look past some faults, you can understand and see that these are the people that would easily pick up a bat and go to work on someone that even remotely threatened you.....and they would do it in a heartbeat. Its a respect thing, in a weird kind of way. A simple, good job is all it takes with most of these guys and they are on your team for as long as you are there. That is loyalty!!!!
Terry was like that in every sense of the word. He got to work early. Started cleaning bathrooms, swung by dishland to see if there was anything there and then went to pot scrubbing to take care of the dishes that the chefs had been using for prep and what not. He developed a good realtionship with all the chefs and we are talking about 10 or so different guys. That is 10 different personalities that Terry came to learn and cater too. As I mentioned before, Terry was a mans man. A good guy all the way around and his hard work earned him the respect of everyone because he was reliable and always did a good job. Cut him a check on Saturday, he was still there on Monday. He might have a cooler full of fish and a few empty beer cans in the Tempo out back, but he was there and he was working. One can only wish to have a Terry back there on the dishes. It would make life easier in that department.
Anyway, I bring it up to the boss and he is none to pleased, as he should be. So, it is approaching Saturday, and low and behold, Doe gets let go, or fired... however you want to slice it, he was gone. So we started the next week with a new guy back there on dishes. Terry was still there and he quickly moved in on the new guy and introduced him to the pot scrubbing station. Can't say that I blame him ya know. Big difference in the work there . Ok, you got a three compartment sink with water that is sitting at 150 degrees plus due to sanitation and what not, or you can work the dish station where you spray off the dishes into a disposal and load them into a tray to get run through a dish machine that is hitting at 150 degrees plus where you don't actually have to dip your hands into the sub boiling water. Pretty smart move by Terry, shifting the new guy over to the pot scrubbing station. Gotta hand it to him on that part and certainly can't blame him. Anybody who has been in the biz knows scrubbing pots and skillets with all the cooked on bits and pieces pretty much sucks a fatty.
So this new guy is about as uneventful as a person can get. No priors that anyone is aware of...no blatant disregard for authority, no bad habits....... the guy just works and does a good job. Pretty great in my book, but certainly nothing to write about considering that I can't even remember the guys name. The fellow just gets to work on time and does exactly that...works. Well, I kinda had a hunch that he wouldn't be digging that station for very long, because it sucks, and I was correct about my hunch. In just the matter of a week and half, he was up in Terry's grill about swapping stations throughout the week. It got so bad that I had to intervene and rotate the guys where one did this job one day and the other the next. All the while, Doe would show up in the afternoons asking for his job back. Pleading with us, stating that he would not engage in his extracurricular activities during work hours. We weren't buying it. We had a guy here that wanted to work and did a good job working when he was here. Why would we want this potential hazard back there in dishland?.....we didn't. We could just rotate this guy and Terry and it would all be good, and it was.
I have to admit, it is some sort of sick human nature to have "projects"....or people that are somewhat dysfunctional that you want to help them and try to make them better people. Even when you are uncertain if you can even change these people. Some of them are beyond help in the outside world. In the job place, you can throw out the problems, the dependencies, the whatever it may be issues, they can turn into outstanding employees. They may be a trainwreck outside of work, but once they get to work, they are golden. It is like, they have a feeling of safety or a sense of belonging at the job. I like to think that it is a sense of pride because regardless of how remedial the task is, whether it is cleaning bathrooms, or dishes or scrubbing pots, these guys take pride in it because I believe they really understand that they are important to the organization or the machine and we need them to keep the machine running......and we do. They are important. They are the behind the scenes people that are helping keep the whole thing moving forward. So once you can look past some faults, you can understand and see that these are the people that would easily pick up a bat and go to work on someone that even remotely threatened you.....and they would do it in a heartbeat. Its a respect thing, in a weird kind of way. A simple, good job is all it takes with most of these guys and they are on your team for as long as you are there. That is loyalty!!!!
Terry was like that in every sense of the word. He got to work early. Started cleaning bathrooms, swung by dishland to see if there was anything there and then went to pot scrubbing to take care of the dishes that the chefs had been using for prep and what not. He developed a good realtionship with all the chefs and we are talking about 10 or so different guys. That is 10 different personalities that Terry came to learn and cater too. As I mentioned before, Terry was a mans man. A good guy all the way around and his hard work earned him the respect of everyone because he was reliable and always did a good job. Cut him a check on Saturday, he was still there on Monday. He might have a cooler full of fish and a few empty beer cans in the Tempo out back, but he was there and he was working. One can only wish to have a Terry back there on the dishes. It would make life easier in that department.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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