Sunday, August 16, 2009


If you have asked me in the last five years what the worst movie I've ever seen was, without hesitation I would say "The Village". I may have to think about it next time someone asks me. I just went and saw District 9, the new alien movie by Peter Jackson (director of Lord of the Rings). As I write this, I still don't know what the hell I just watched. There was no point. The only think I can think is they already have a second one planned that may explain some things. It did leave a lot to be desired with the ending. I would definitely wait to see if there is a second one before I watched this one. If there is a second one, you will need to watch this one as an explanation of what's to come. If there is not, this is tied for worst movie ever. If this is just the first of two or three movies, I just wasted 2 hours for something that could have taken 15 minutes to show.

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