Monday, June 7, 2010

What'd we miss?!?

Well, I see Mac has thrown in the towel. Okie doke. Moving on, this past week the sports world was pretty crazy. You had the blown call in Detroit, no need to go over that since it has been plastered all over the news the past few days. If you missed it, then you are a not alive. Secondly, The World Cup starts in just a few days. The U.S.A will be taking on England at 11:30 on Saturday Morning of June 12. The game is being televised here on the mainland and will be aired on ABC. I invite you all to watch it because our country has some good players so it should be a good match. Third, Just wasn't Ole Miss baseball time. Good year, made the tournament, but just wasn't clicking at the right time. And last, did you see "Jesus Shuttlesworth" last night??? 8, count em, 8 three pointers for a NBA Finals record.

Also, I am just gonna throw this out there and it has nothing to do with his triple/double last night, although that doesn't hurt. But, Rajon Rondo is one of, if not the best point guard in the NBA. Just saying. Since there last trip to the finals when Garnett, Pierce, and Allen carried the team, he has flipped a switch and now he is the one carrying the team. I don't watch much basketball, as a matter of fact , I don't watch it until the playoffs start. You are missing out if you aren't watching these NBA Finals, I tell ya.

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