Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What'd we miss?!?

Whew! Good to be home. I mean the Bahamas was nice but staying there for 3 weeks is really overrated. Trust me. Anyway, what all did we miss. America kicked a little ass in the Olympics. I never really saw any of the action. I was too busy staring into crystal blue waters and rum drinks. But I think we expected to have a strong showing in the games. Between Vonn, miller ,and the flying tomato you just knew somebody was bringing home the gold..... Moving right along, MLB Spring training has started and that is fantastic news here at the corner. It just means the regular season is really close to starting. We like baseball here. We don't really cover it all that much because of the fact that there are a whole bunch of teams and we aren't MLB network or ESPN. It is too much to deal with along with our thirst for all things college sports related; And I would guess we will start dealing out the goods in SEC baseball once the conference play gets under way..... In addition to all this hoopla surrounding the sporting world with the Olympics and baseball; golf's resident HORNDOG came out of hiding(and sex camp) to make an apology to the general public, friends, family and fellow stick swingers about his infidelity,his daily requirements for sexcapades and his apparent extreme level of kinkiness. So, I am guessing Tiger isn't a role model anymore? Well that really can take the jam out of a young mans donut. I bet he will be a little more careful next time...... Shifting gears a little, I have been meaning to share this for some time now, so why not now. Some may refer to this as cholesterol. Or heart attack...on deck. I like to call it, "A little slice of heaven". A sausage stuffed pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon. Its okay to cry, because the damn thing really is a thing of beauty. God bless the pig. It was delicious. So, it is good to be back. Peace

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