Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Letters From Romaro
I got this via email and I gotta say, he makes a good point. Make no mistake about it, if I was able to attend every Home game for the Rebs, he would not be talking about me. If you've been with me to a game, you know I cheer my ass off the whole time I am there and that's regardless of BAC level. I mentioned something along these lines after the Vandy loss, about how there was nobody at the game. And I can say from an outsider looking in at other stadiums, the fans are in the game the whole time. I agree with what Romaro has to say, it's the truth. I'm sure some of people will not like it, but those are people he is talking about. It is rather lengthy, but nonetheless, enjoy.
Carry the fight to the opponent and keep it there for 60 Minutes.
Any time you jump out and do what I am about to do, you must weigh your pros and cons.
I have talked to countless ex-players and they all support what I am about to write. I feel that I should share some thoughts and concerns with my fellow Reb fans with whom I share my love for Ole Miss and the Ole Miss football team. All of us that have this same passion know that we all bleed red and blue.
As an ex-player there were certain things that got me focused and motivated me to play the game hard for those 60 minutes. David Cutcliffe was the coach at the time. The team would always start pregame chants and we would repeat them before every game as we came out of the tunnel down to the field. My favorite was Carry The Fight To The Opponent And Keep It There For 60 Minutes. Now whether we did that or not I guess is debatable in your eyes perhaps, but that was our goal.
This has been on my mind and in my heart all year. I am seeing something that is very hard for me to take sitting down as a former OM football player. I feel that it is time some things stop right here and some of our fans get called on the carpet.
Everyone loves being a winner. It is during the difficult times when we may not win that is my concern. First and foremost, the team is not my concern. We have some incredible talent and I know that our team will get there. I do have a real concern in our fans though. It seems when we win and we are ahead in a game our fans leave the game and go to the grove. When we are losing, our fans, instead of staying when our team needs us the most, leave out of frustration. At halftime, some of our fans and students leave and go to the grove to get something to eat and drink. This is a problem because when the game starts back they aren’t in their seats to kick the second half off.
I have pondered this over and over again. Is it cool as a fan to sit in the stands and watch my Rebels bleed, sweat, and work hard or is it cooler to be in the grove with food and drink in hand while not supporting my Rebels who are working hard on the field to win that game?
The first three home games were all prime examples. The 1st half of these games the atmosphere was great.
Listen, I have been in the pit many times at Ole Miss and all over the SEC. Trust me, when I say this, the TEAM FEEDS OFF YOU! We had a great first half crowd and then I begin to see fans not come back after halftime. For some reason we have made “The Grove” the pinnacle of a game weekend at Ole Miss. It’s a wonderful place, but the game has to be the main attraction.
I am asking every fan to understand that any football team feeds off of the energy of the fans inside the stadium. This is nothing new to any of you. You have seen momentum become a game changer with fans time and time again.
Saturday night in the first half against Fresno the stadium was loud and the players were jumping around getting what they call crunk.
In the 3rd quarter the crowd left and the team’s energy went flat. The D gave up 10 in the 1st half and a lot more in the 2nd just like the JSU game. Ask yourself, how was the atmosphere for Vandy? Ask yourself this question: If I was on the field playing in front of less than 40,000 fans when there were 55,000 in there the first half, could I get up to play? Most will lie and say as long you’re on the field that you could. I will say those guys are rare, off the top of my head Ray Lewis and he is a special player. Trust me when I say this but it is hard to motivate yourself to maximum output without maximum support.
11 o'clock kickoffs? Don't even get me started on that. Be honest with yourself and think about Arkansas , Auburn or even MSU fans on TV, it looks a lot different. We have the only fan base in the SEC that the team has to get the crowd up. We need to stop making excuses.
At other schools fans get the team up with their energy. We have true SEC crowds when we play an LSU or a Bama, but when we play JSU or Fresno State we may as well have a South Panola crowd in the second half.
Heck, I can’t help but wonder what would happen if we closed the beloved Grove at halftime.
I would bet my next month’s check that if we had Saturday night’s 1st half crowd for the whole game against Vandy and the JSU game WE WIN. If you don’t believe that ask any player or even ex-player.
This football team along with those before and after will bust their humps for Ole Miss in the months of January, February and March when not a soul is looking. Then for the fans to come to the games and not cheer, or to leave, is a bit disheartening. Really it is utterly ridiculous.
Kentrell Locket tore his ACL fighting for the fans, the love of the game and the WIN. In addition, about 100 more guys do this every Saturday for us, for the love of Ole Miss and ultimately for the WIN and so we can go to work on Monday to brag.
I know that I am more than likely to get roasted for telling the truth but that is the chance I am willing to take for the love of my team and my university. It is worth the sacrifice if that is what it takes.
Fans, we need you all of the time, not just half of the time.
Our coaches work hard to get prospects to campus. If we bring them to a game and they see the 2nd half crowd with most of them gone, my feeling is they will want no part of Oxford, particularly if they go to the State game against Alcorn State where there are 55,000 fans ringing the hell out of those damn bells.
I just hope like hell our recruits were not there to see MSU tear down their goal posts after they beat Georgia ? something our fans made fun of them for.
Let’s say AK has a great basketball recruit in town and he goes to the football games and sees the crowd leaving, how do you all think that this helps Ole Miss? With us fans, me included, these are the issues our coaches have to overcome.
Students, I left after the game Saturday and went to the square. I felt the same way you did in less time with my Vodka and Cranberry. I missed nothing.
If Coach Nutt asks everyone to wear blue, then Cobra, don’t let high powered school officials on the field in RED.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt I love our military, but somehow we have got to make sure that when the center is about to snap for the extra point, we don’t shoot the cannon!
Whoever is in charge of the game day experiences at Ole Miss, we need a lot more. Give fans more reason to stay by making the atmosphere more exciting.
I drive around all day in my job and I can’t wait to see the 1st OM billboard. Lord knows I’m tired of the Leghumper billboards everywhere.
Coach Nutt, AK, From Dixie With Love, or Colonel Reb may not be here forever but the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) which we love will be.
This whole thing is about teamwork and the fans’ job in this puzzle is to cheer. I am doing this because I feel we are in this together. I hope that each of you will take this to heart. It’s time we demand the best from ourselves and everyone connected to our University.
I learned a long time ago to control what you can control and we can control our HOME field. I will be at the next game early in RED and loud, and I will stay until the end, but the question is will my 60,000 plus friends and fellow fans do the same? My greatest hope is that you say YES, that you will. I hope that you will stay the whole game. I hope that you will be in your seats after halftime. I hope that you will cheer loudly. I hope that you will send cheers of encouragement even on the most screwed up plays.
Obviously, I am not really preaching to many Spirit subscribers on this issue. We are the diehards, but we can do our part in this too. Every one of us needs to spread this message to other Rebel fans. It’s time we, as fans, accept this responsibility and ask others to do the same.
Carry the fight to the opponent and keep it there for 60 Minutes.
Any time you jump out and do what I am about to do, you must weigh your pros and cons.
I have talked to countless ex-players and they all support what I am about to write. I feel that I should share some thoughts and concerns with my fellow Reb fans with whom I share my love for Ole Miss and the Ole Miss football team. All of us that have this same passion know that we all bleed red and blue.
As an ex-player there were certain things that got me focused and motivated me to play the game hard for those 60 minutes. David Cutcliffe was the coach at the time. The team would always start pregame chants and we would repeat them before every game as we came out of the tunnel down to the field. My favorite was Carry The Fight To The Opponent And Keep It There For 60 Minutes. Now whether we did that or not I guess is debatable in your eyes perhaps, but that was our goal.
This has been on my mind and in my heart all year. I am seeing something that is very hard for me to take sitting down as a former OM football player. I feel that it is time some things stop right here and some of our fans get called on the carpet.
Everyone loves being a winner. It is during the difficult times when we may not win that is my concern. First and foremost, the team is not my concern. We have some incredible talent and I know that our team will get there. I do have a real concern in our fans though. It seems when we win and we are ahead in a game our fans leave the game and go to the grove. When we are losing, our fans, instead of staying when our team needs us the most, leave out of frustration. At halftime, some of our fans and students leave and go to the grove to get something to eat and drink. This is a problem because when the game starts back they aren’t in their seats to kick the second half off.
I have pondered this over and over again. Is it cool as a fan to sit in the stands and watch my Rebels bleed, sweat, and work hard or is it cooler to be in the grove with food and drink in hand while not supporting my Rebels who are working hard on the field to win that game?
The first three home games were all prime examples. The 1st half of these games the atmosphere was great.
Listen, I have been in the pit many times at Ole Miss and all over the SEC. Trust me, when I say this, the TEAM FEEDS OFF YOU! We had a great first half crowd and then I begin to see fans not come back after halftime. For some reason we have made “The Grove” the pinnacle of a game weekend at Ole Miss. It’s a wonderful place, but the game has to be the main attraction.
I am asking every fan to understand that any football team feeds off of the energy of the fans inside the stadium. This is nothing new to any of you. You have seen momentum become a game changer with fans time and time again.
Saturday night in the first half against Fresno the stadium was loud and the players were jumping around getting what they call crunk.
In the 3rd quarter the crowd left and the team’s energy went flat. The D gave up 10 in the 1st half and a lot more in the 2nd just like the JSU game. Ask yourself, how was the atmosphere for Vandy? Ask yourself this question: If I was on the field playing in front of less than 40,000 fans when there were 55,000 in there the first half, could I get up to play? Most will lie and say as long you’re on the field that you could. I will say those guys are rare, off the top of my head Ray Lewis and he is a special player. Trust me when I say this but it is hard to motivate yourself to maximum output without maximum support.
11 o'clock kickoffs? Don't even get me started on that. Be honest with yourself and think about Arkansas , Auburn or even MSU fans on TV, it looks a lot different. We have the only fan base in the SEC that the team has to get the crowd up. We need to stop making excuses.
At other schools fans get the team up with their energy. We have true SEC crowds when we play an LSU or a Bama, but when we play JSU or Fresno State we may as well have a South Panola crowd in the second half.
Heck, I can’t help but wonder what would happen if we closed the beloved Grove at halftime.
I would bet my next month’s check that if we had Saturday night’s 1st half crowd for the whole game against Vandy and the JSU game WE WIN. If you don’t believe that ask any player or even ex-player.
This football team along with those before and after will bust their humps for Ole Miss in the months of January, February and March when not a soul is looking. Then for the fans to come to the games and not cheer, or to leave, is a bit disheartening. Really it is utterly ridiculous.
Kentrell Locket tore his ACL fighting for the fans, the love of the game and the WIN. In addition, about 100 more guys do this every Saturday for us, for the love of Ole Miss and ultimately for the WIN and so we can go to work on Monday to brag.
I know that I am more than likely to get roasted for telling the truth but that is the chance I am willing to take for the love of my team and my university. It is worth the sacrifice if that is what it takes.
Fans, we need you all of the time, not just half of the time.
Our coaches work hard to get prospects to campus. If we bring them to a game and they see the 2nd half crowd with most of them gone, my feeling is they will want no part of Oxford, particularly if they go to the State game against Alcorn State where there are 55,000 fans ringing the hell out of those damn bells.
I just hope like hell our recruits were not there to see MSU tear down their goal posts after they beat Georgia ? something our fans made fun of them for.
Let’s say AK has a great basketball recruit in town and he goes to the football games and sees the crowd leaving, how do you all think that this helps Ole Miss? With us fans, me included, these are the issues our coaches have to overcome.
Students, I left after the game Saturday and went to the square. I felt the same way you did in less time with my Vodka and Cranberry. I missed nothing.
If Coach Nutt asks everyone to wear blue, then Cobra, don’t let high powered school officials on the field in RED.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt I love our military, but somehow we have got to make sure that when the center is about to snap for the extra point, we don’t shoot the cannon!
Whoever is in charge of the game day experiences at Ole Miss, we need a lot more. Give fans more reason to stay by making the atmosphere more exciting.
I drive around all day in my job and I can’t wait to see the 1st OM billboard. Lord knows I’m tired of the Leghumper billboards everywhere.
Coach Nutt, AK, From Dixie With Love, or Colonel Reb may not be here forever but the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) which we love will be.
This whole thing is about teamwork and the fans’ job in this puzzle is to cheer. I am doing this because I feel we are in this together. I hope that each of you will take this to heart. It’s time we demand the best from ourselves and everyone connected to our University.
I learned a long time ago to control what you can control and we can control our HOME field. I will be at the next game early in RED and loud, and I will stay until the end, but the question is will my 60,000 plus friends and fellow fans do the same? My greatest hope is that you say YES, that you will. I hope that you will stay the whole game. I hope that you will be in your seats after halftime. I hope that you will cheer loudly. I hope that you will send cheers of encouragement even on the most screwed up plays.
Obviously, I am not really preaching to many Spirit subscribers on this issue. We are the diehards, but we can do our part in this too. Every one of us needs to spread this message to other Rebel fans. It’s time we, as fans, accept this responsibility and ask others to do the same.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Last Week of September....Bring It!!
I don't think the youth of america appreciates Vernon Reid like they should. If you have any qualms about this matter, fast forward to the 3:00 mark and watch that for about 20 or so seconds to see what I mean. Motha Trucka is bad.
Bolden Finishes Fresno

Hey kudos for the boys in O-town fighting this one to the end. Hopefully this is the confidence they needed to continue to fight the rest of this season. I gotta tell ya, it was night and day from this week to last week. I know those Fresno guys play in the WAC and we are supposed to win, but you gotta remember who we are talking about here and what has been shown thus far in the young season. Sure, the D gave up 390 passing yards and that is an area for concern and it will obviously be our downfall the rest of the way. But you gotta think if an opposing team makes 40+ passing attempts then they are going to have some success. Anyway, water under the bridge and now we jump back into the conference mix for the next several weeks starting with Kentucky at home. Lord only knows how this one will play out. Kentucky is hot right now, but hopefully the confidence taken from finishing a game will carry over into a good week of practice and come to head on gameday. It sure would be nice if this new found ground game could carry over the rest of the way out for the Rebs. I mean, 400 some odd yards rushing is pretty legit and it would be great to develop a balanced offense. But if Brandon Bolden can have half the success he had Saturday night, week in and week out, that would be swell buddy. As nice as it was to get this victory, I still say we are week to week. Lets see what team shows up against Kentucky. Now when we get into the "Big Boys" of the schedule, that treacherous three week string against Bama, Arkansas, and Auburn, we'll just rule out that "see what team shows up" thing. Anyhoo, enjoy it Rebel Fans.

With Miles saying after the game last night that Jordan Jefferson is his starting quarterback and LSU opening as a 16 point favorite this weekend against Tennessee, I will be betting everything I have on the Vols. The only way Tenn. doesn't cover is if they decide to test Patrick Peterson and constantly throw to his side and punt it to him every time. The Jefferson ship is sinking and Miles is apparently content with riding it all the way down. Get your money in before Vegas realizes that Jefferson is starting.

Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. Jarrett Lee must be banging Les Miles wife or something. That's the only reason I can fathom as to why he is not seeing any playing time. As a slap to the groin, Miles put Lee in for one series with 7 minutes to go because Jefferson was struggling. Two plays running it up the middle and on third down Lee completes a pass short of the first down. Then on the next drive Miles puts Jefferson back in. What the fuck was the point of that? Is he just trying to piss the fans off even more? I would not blame Lee one bit if tomorrow morning he were to walk into the athletic offices and tell Miles to go fuck himself and then quit the team.
28 of 58, (48.3%), 269 yards, 0 TDs, 3 INTs, 76.9 Passer Rating
These are Jefferson's stats over the last 3 games. I'd be willing to bet that you could take half of the high school QB's in Louisiana, have them suit up for LSU, and their stats would look better than that. These stats are against Vandy, Miss. State and W. Virginia. What the hell are they going to look like against Bama, Auburn, and Florida? Les Miles is a buffoon and he is going to take this program down with him. For all those people who will tell me I am whining and should be happy being 4-0, they started 5-0 last year and ended up 9-4 and started 4-0 in 08 and ended up 7-5. The meat of the schedule is coming and it's going to get ugly unless we find a QB.
Friday, September 24, 2010
A guide to the rest of the season for Ole Miss fans
Took this off the website: Friends of the Program. Pretty classic, although I do not entirely share the same feelings. Nonetheless, enjoy.
After a few days of outright denial and indignation, I have resigned myself to the fact that the Ole Miss football season will be a complete and utter abortion, not seen since the days of Orgeron…and even those 3 and 4 win days seem like a pipe dream at this point. That’s right, Ive given up. I had been optimistic that, after the Jacksonville State debacle, as Parrish Alford wrote, it was not a beginning of a terrible season, but merely a terrible beginning of a season. I think we are past the point of that kind of optimism now. It’d be easy for me to just dismiss the season, refuse to watch the team, and go on throughout the fall as if none of this ever happened. The problem with that is, Ive got obligations. Im obliged to attend no less that 4 more Ole Miss games this season for various reasons. So instead of ignoring the obvious, Im facing the issue head on, taking my medicine, and dutifully surrendering to friends and alums of rival schools in person (trips to Fayetteville and Baton Rouge being the two most notable potentially self deprecating of away games). The good news for alot of Rebel fans is they dont have to, or maybe even, are unwilling to, do this. And really, I can’t blame you. Theres no reason you, o’ Rebel faithful, should have to endure the ridicule any longer. Make better use of your time, I wish I could.
To help you in this endeavor below are a few suggestions of how you, as an Ole Miss fan, can break free from the shackles of a dismal football season and spend each Saturday from here on out a little more productively.
Ole Miss v. Fresno : Get drunk
You are just getting used to this new life without Ole Miss football. The initial withdrawalsare gonna be pretty substantial. Best to take the edge off at least. May I recommend any assortment of fine whiskeys, perhaps one that is both agreeable with your pallet and also mixes well with diet coke and tears. At first, you’ll probably just want to slam that bottle of Makers that’s been eye balling you ever since halftime of the Vandy game, but you’ve earned a reputation around the league as a fancy pants, what with your sear sucker suits and vast color assortment of Southern Tide polos and all, so might as well go with it…grab you a nice drinking glass and a moderately priced cigar and ease your way into this new disappointmentless comfort zone….besides, Masoli’s probably running for his life behind that sieve of a line around this time. You’re better off.
Ole Miss v. Kentucky: Watch The Wire on Netflix
I’ve never watched The Wire. I’d really like to and so would you. Bill Simmons says its great so who the hell are you to question that kind of endorsement. In fact, every time you or I admit that we’ve never watched the show, our street cred goes down exponentially. Time to put a stop to that. It’s on Netflix so order that shit now and quit putting it off. You can likely get through 4 episodes in the time it would take to watch some team with inferior talent baffle Tyrone Nix with the magical wonders of the read option play.
Ole Miss v. Alabama: Learn to play piano
History says you should never watch this game if you are an Ole Miss fan. It never ends well and, this year, Im sure, won’t be any different. Besides, your mother always wanted you to learn how to play the piano. You never wanted to. As a kid, you always had a bout of smear the queer or a Nintendo game marathon to complete. And now look what happened…guys like John Mayer fall into vats of endless fresh trim every night and you are sitting there musically talentless and trimless…but hey, that Steve Bedrosian was unhittable on RBI Baseball, wasn’t he? Alls not lost, go dust off that paino your grammy left you in her will and get to learning chop sticks, son. It’ll be a nice way to drown out the Houston Nutt post game interviews where he blames everybody but himself.
Ole Miss @ Arkansas: Catch up on your correspondence
Nobody writes a letter anymore. I for one like a good bit of stationary, and, I’ll be honest, I’ve always been intrigued by that candle, red bar of wax, engraved stamp sealing combo. A letter always has that added bit of an aire of importance that gets lost in emails, texts, and Facebook. So take a few hours, write some old girlfriends and tell them how you never really stopped caring about them and every time you drive by their house or call and then hang up its just a cry to get back together, and as long as you do that wax seal thingy, its gotta come off as less creepy. Right? Right!? Plus, it’ll give you practice for writing that refund demand letter to the Ole Miss ticket office after you witness the 3rd failed swing pass to Brandon Bolden of the night.
Ole Miss v. Auburn: Learn to Cook
I can’t cook. You probably can’t either. I dont mean grilling steaks, I’m a man, I can do that…I mean actually cooking…like souffles and shit. You can’t cook a quiche…might as well learn how to get the crust to egg ratio just right while you’ve got the free time. You kept threatening your parents that you’d drop out of college and go to culinary school just like all of the rest of your wayward trust fund friends, this is the next best thing. So while you are getting your puree’ on,you wont have to see the Ole Miss punt team take the field for the 8th time in a half.
Ole Miss v. ULL: Decide, once and for all, whether or not you like the Avett Brothers
By sheer southern whiteness alone, I know Im supposed to like these guys and you are probably supposed to like them to.. I get it, they’re lyrics are moving…but every time you tell me to “just listen to the words, man” all I hear are banjos and pots and pans clanging together. Guess it beats watching Ferbia Allen drop sure touchdowns.
Ole Miss @ Tennessee : Hunt for loose change
I’ve always seen these guys on the beach…they’ve got to have some sort of measure of success otherwise they wouldn’t be out there doing it. You get to, essentially, carry around a magic wand and wear really cool looking air traffic controller head phones all the while searching for buried treasure while trying not to make it obvious that you think the king’s share of the booty is under the group of tanning coeds. Regardless, the chance to avoid seeing Bradley Sowell wiff a block is worth his weight in gold.
Ole Miss @ LSU: Start smoking a pipe
Why not? You get tobacco presented in fine mahogany and ivory craftsmanship. Dont’ be a pussy…Gerald Ford smoked one, and that guy played football before they invented helmets or the illegal chop block. You’ll look like a real statesman, and that kind of perception of sophistication and dignity is important when you are trying to hide your searing anger over the secondary’s inability to understand the basic tenetsof covering a 7 yard out route within the confines of a Cover 2.
Ole Miss v. Mississippi State: Put yourself out of your misery
If you’ve made it this far in the season without a relapse, good for you…problem is, it’ll start all over again next year.
After a few days of outright denial and indignation, I have resigned myself to the fact that the Ole Miss football season will be a complete and utter abortion, not seen since the days of Orgeron…and even those 3 and 4 win days seem like a pipe dream at this point. That’s right, Ive given up. I had been optimistic that, after the Jacksonville State debacle, as Parrish Alford wrote, it was not a beginning of a terrible season, but merely a terrible beginning of a season. I think we are past the point of that kind of optimism now. It’d be easy for me to just dismiss the season, refuse to watch the team, and go on throughout the fall as if none of this ever happened. The problem with that is, Ive got obligations. Im obliged to attend no less that 4 more Ole Miss games this season for various reasons. So instead of ignoring the obvious, Im facing the issue head on, taking my medicine, and dutifully surrendering to friends and alums of rival schools in person (trips to Fayetteville and Baton Rouge being the two most notable potentially self deprecating of away games). The good news for alot of Rebel fans is they dont have to, or maybe even, are unwilling to, do this. And really, I can’t blame you. Theres no reason you, o’ Rebel faithful, should have to endure the ridicule any longer. Make better use of your time, I wish I could.
To help you in this endeavor below are a few suggestions of how you, as an Ole Miss fan, can break free from the shackles of a dismal football season and spend each Saturday from here on out a little more productively.
Ole Miss v. Fresno : Get drunk
You are just getting used to this new life without Ole Miss football. The initial withdrawalsare gonna be pretty substantial. Best to take the edge off at least. May I recommend any assortment of fine whiskeys, perhaps one that is both agreeable with your pallet and also mixes well with diet coke and tears. At first, you’ll probably just want to slam that bottle of Makers that’s been eye balling you ever since halftime of the Vandy game, but you’ve earned a reputation around the league as a fancy pants, what with your sear sucker suits and vast color assortment of Southern Tide polos and all, so might as well go with it…grab you a nice drinking glass and a moderately priced cigar and ease your way into this new disappointmentless comfort zone….besides, Masoli’s probably running for his life behind that sieve of a line around this time. You’re better off.
Ole Miss v. Kentucky: Watch The Wire on Netflix
I’ve never watched The Wire. I’d really like to and so would you. Bill Simmons says its great so who the hell are you to question that kind of endorsement. In fact, every time you or I admit that we’ve never watched the show, our street cred goes down exponentially. Time to put a stop to that. It’s on Netflix so order that shit now and quit putting it off. You can likely get through 4 episodes in the time it would take to watch some team with inferior talent baffle Tyrone Nix with the magical wonders of the read option play.
Ole Miss v. Alabama: Learn to play piano
History says you should never watch this game if you are an Ole Miss fan. It never ends well and, this year, Im sure, won’t be any different. Besides, your mother always wanted you to learn how to play the piano. You never wanted to. As a kid, you always had a bout of smear the queer or a Nintendo game marathon to complete. And now look what happened…guys like John Mayer fall into vats of endless fresh trim every night and you are sitting there musically talentless and trimless…but hey, that Steve Bedrosian was unhittable on RBI Baseball, wasn’t he? Alls not lost, go dust off that paino your grammy left you in her will and get to learning chop sticks, son. It’ll be a nice way to drown out the Houston Nutt post game interviews where he blames everybody but himself.
Ole Miss @ Arkansas: Catch up on your correspondence
Nobody writes a letter anymore. I for one like a good bit of stationary, and, I’ll be honest, I’ve always been intrigued by that candle, red bar of wax, engraved stamp sealing combo. A letter always has that added bit of an aire of importance that gets lost in emails, texts, and Facebook. So take a few hours, write some old girlfriends and tell them how you never really stopped caring about them and every time you drive by their house or call and then hang up its just a cry to get back together, and as long as you do that wax seal thingy, its gotta come off as less creepy. Right? Right!? Plus, it’ll give you practice for writing that refund demand letter to the Ole Miss ticket office after you witness the 3rd failed swing pass to Brandon Bolden of the night.
Ole Miss v. Auburn: Learn to Cook
I can’t cook. You probably can’t either. I dont mean grilling steaks, I’m a man, I can do that…I mean actually cooking…like souffles and shit. You can’t cook a quiche…might as well learn how to get the crust to egg ratio just right while you’ve got the free time. You kept threatening your parents that you’d drop out of college and go to culinary school just like all of the rest of your wayward trust fund friends, this is the next best thing. So while you are getting your puree’ on,you wont have to see the Ole Miss punt team take the field for the 8th time in a half.
Ole Miss v. ULL: Decide, once and for all, whether or not you like the Avett Brothers
By sheer southern whiteness alone, I know Im supposed to like these guys and you are probably supposed to like them to.. I get it, they’re lyrics are moving…but every time you tell me to “just listen to the words, man” all I hear are banjos and pots and pans clanging together. Guess it beats watching Ferbia Allen drop sure touchdowns.
Ole Miss @ Tennessee : Hunt for loose change
I’ve always seen these guys on the beach…they’ve got to have some sort of measure of success otherwise they wouldn’t be out there doing it. You get to, essentially, carry around a magic wand and wear really cool looking air traffic controller head phones all the while searching for buried treasure while trying not to make it obvious that you think the king’s share of the booty is under the group of tanning coeds. Regardless, the chance to avoid seeing Bradley Sowell wiff a block is worth his weight in gold.
Ole Miss @ LSU: Start smoking a pipe
Why not? You get tobacco presented in fine mahogany and ivory craftsmanship. Dont’ be a pussy…Gerald Ford smoked one, and that guy played football before they invented helmets or the illegal chop block. You’ll look like a real statesman, and that kind of perception of sophistication and dignity is important when you are trying to hide your searing anger over the secondary’s inability to understand the basic tenetsof covering a 7 yard out route within the confines of a Cover 2.
Ole Miss v. Mississippi State: Put yourself out of your misery
If you’ve made it this far in the season without a relapse, good for you…problem is, it’ll start all over again next year.
Powers Picks of the Week

What up slapdicks, your ole boy Kenny is back!! Went 3-1 last week to bring the season record to a sexy smooth 6-6. That's .500, which is a shitty number betting, but strong if you are in the batters box. Anyway, these are getting you fat this weekend.
California +7 over Arizona
Bowling Green +26 over Michigan
Washington Redskins -3 over St.Louis Rams
Pittsburgh Steelers -1 over Tampa Bay Bucs
You can thank me later. Powers!! OUT!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Apparently QB's these days just go through the motions in the film room to satisfy their coaches so they can get to the bar. Because if they were actually paying attention they would never think of throwing to #7's side of the field. Case in point, last week Chris Relf of Miss. State looked right and noticed his WR and Peterson were out there alone and the safety was cheating up to take the flats. Relf apparently didn't watch any film during the week and this is what happened.
Not a good idea. The guy is the best cover corner College Football has seen since Deion Sanders. He's 6'1 222 lbs and has been laser timed at a 4.3 40 yard dash. This is my one piece of advice for you. If you choose to ignore it I'll be back on here saying "I told you".
Monday, September 20, 2010
So three years ago in the first game of the year, LSU receiver Brandon Lafell welcomed Miss. State freshman Zach Smith to big time college football with a block that left him woozy to say the least. Let's take a look.
Fast forward to three years later and it's Zach Smith's senior year and final game against LSU. Redshirt Freshman Craig Loston wanted to send Mr. Smith off with a bang. On the opening kickoff, Loston laid out Smith so bad it made the first one look pleasant.
Keep your head up Zach. The nightmare's over.
Well I was lucky enough to be in Tiger Stadium for the Tigers and Dawgs this weekend and I took a little video of the pregame festivities for ya. Enjoy
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Something to get over the Funk
Maybe the Rebs should sub this in over "Crazy Train"...it does include the sample..... Also, this is NSFW-language
The Blame Game
Well as most of the Rebel Nation would agree, that was about as dismal and uninspired effort on the gridiron as I have ever seen. Now there were flashes where the Rebs looked like they had a pulse but those were few and far between. Now obviously, the finger pointing begins. We were supposed to be 3-0 at this point in the season. Yeah, we sure were and not just 3-0, but 3-0 and winning big. Dominating on D, opening up the offense. Finding out about Masoli and giving him the snaps to get ready for the road ahead. Well, that shit didn't happen. The Rebs sit at 1-2 and are staring dead at what has all the makings of a very, very long season. At this point, the so-called gimme games don't exist. Every game on the schedule has the potential to be a loss. I was completely wrong about 8-4 this year and a bowl game. It hurts, believe you me, it hurts. I was excited about this season because I was anxious to see how we would play in year 1 post Dexter. Well, we got a whole bunch of holes on both sides of the ball. For starters, we have a young offensive line and to be honest it takes time for an O-line to gel and at this point in the season, there is no gel at all. It's hard to run the ball and throw it when opposing defensive lineman are all in the backfield. We have some inexperience on the defensive side of the ball and it seems we are out of position a good bit. In addition, we do not tackle well. You can't arm tackle in Pee Wee and you damn sure can't do it in the SEC. The good news is that all these are correctable and with experience and possibly lots of prayer they will get corrected. Keep in mind, this is supposed to be a rebuilding year and it is pretty obvious there is a whole bunch of bricks needed to get this (whatever) built. Even though I think the Rebs will have a tough time winning 3-4 more games, I will still support them and look forward to seeing this team improve as the season progresses. With that being said, Masoli has played well considering the circumstances. Sure he chunks some picks, but what QB in the world doesn't make bad decisions when they are running for there life right after they get the snap. As I said, it all starts up front, as it always does, and in order to get things going the rest of the way both the O-line and D-line have got to step it up a notch. The "Landsharks" are not swimming, they are not even in the water. I don't know where they are or what they are doing. Maybe they are at Sardis or The Library which is apparently where all the fans were this weekend. The stadium was pretty empty and this was before halftime. They said 50,000 were there but I think they were including concession stand workers, highway patrol, officials, ball boys, coaching staffs on both sides and Cobra security. Anyway, we know where we stand now and we can only go up from here. So we got some optimism there.
I know this has nothing to do with Ole Miss, but it makes a good point and it is relational to the woes of this football team......
Plus its pretty funny. A dirty bird can't fly with a broken wing = Ole Miss Football
I know this has nothing to do with Ole Miss, but it makes a good point and it is relational to the woes of this football team......
Plus its pretty funny. A dirty bird can't fly with a broken wing = Ole Miss Football
Friday, September 17, 2010
Powers Picks of the Week

Yeah, Yeah slackasses we went 2-2 last week. Just barely missed a winning week. Not to worry all you hacks,..... this week,..... we dominate. Thats what I do. I dominate. You'd be loser if you didn't jump all over these..
Miami(Ohio) -8
Ole Miss Under @ 44
Philadelphia Eagles -4
Green Bay Packers -13
Sure fire winners. The Powers Way!
Miami(Ohio) -8
Ole Miss Under @ 44
Philadelphia Eagles -4
Green Bay Packers -13
Sure fire winners. The Powers Way!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010

I know what you're saying... but Mac, didn't that guy set some kind of record for pick 6's in a season? Yes but that was two years ago when he was a true freshman. He is now a junior and it's time to give him another chance. Plus when he wasn't throwing pick 6's he was at least keeping defenses honest so LSU could run the ball. The way LSU's defense is playing (other than 10 minutes against UNC) a few picks are ok if we are moving the ball on the other drives. The Jordan "Throw at their shins" Jefferson experiment should end after a dismal performance tonight against Vanderbilt. Jefferson finished the night 8 for 20 for 96 yards and 1 int. But Mac, doesn't he run the ball alot too? Yes he does and tonight he had 13 carries for a whopping 13 yards. AGAINST FUCKING VANDERBILT! Les Miles and Gary Crowton must think because Jefferson is black that he can run the ball. Well, when he came out of high school he was listed as a pocket passer and hasn't been a good runner at LSU since day 1. So if the guy can't pass and the guy can't run it's time for him to grab a ball cap, a headset, and a clipboard. Unfortunately this rant is useless because Miles will treat Jefferson like the Titanic and ride his ass all the way down. Hopefully Miles is gone at the end of this year before LSU drops any further towards the bottom.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Powers Picks of the Week

Ok Jackwagons, so Kenny had a bad week last week. You took those locks and lost?!? Big Friggin Deal!!! This week, we right the ship. Things have been tough. I'm getting my life back together and it starts this weekend. You gotta be drooling over these...
NC State +3 over UCF
BYU +1 over Air Force
Wake Forest -5.5 over Duke
Jacksonville Jaguars OVER 39.5
You gotta be getting a Chubby thinking about all the Green you will be bankrolling off these gems. I'm out Bitches!!!
P.S. - I broke that bat, over my neck.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Big Game Tonight in the Home State
That's right folks, the arch nemesis of my beloved Rebels hit the field tonight in conference action against the Auburn Tigers. The Tigers come in ranked #21 in the poll(s). The dogs are fresh off a home opening beatdown of Memphis. To be honest, the dogs are tough on Thursday night. I know its been a while for them but they generally play well in these types of games. Way back when, they beat Florida on a Thursday night. I know that was a long, long time ago and this a whole new era in MSU football, but the dogs are a pretty unified group. There coach has done a great job of really getting the fan base pumped about there ball club and they have a little confidence right now. Obviously, Auburn is no pushover and they are kinda one of those teams in transition right now as well. They had some bumps in the road a few years back, but seem to be getting back into the top tier of the SEC West. Second year Auburn coach, whatever his name is, had a good run last year after there were doubts from the fanbase. I'm sure the Tigers are favored and they should be, but I like the dogs in the upset here. I know I am a Rebel fan and I don't speak much about that other team in Mississippi all that much (actually never), but I wish them well....just not in the Egg Bowl. Anyhoo, hope its a great game regardless of the outcome. I'm sure some of the locals will be making the trip to see the action in person and we wish them safe and happy travels.
P.S. - I really just wanted to post that video

Don't know if all you peeps have seen this yet or not, but yes, Boomer is rockin the stache. I must say, he is wearing the hell out of that thing too. He kinda looks like a cross between Super Mario and the defensive coordinator from my high school football team. Nonetheless, it is a solid piece of man love going on there. Kinda makes me wanna bring back my stache. Although, I doubt I could represent mine in the dignified manner in which Boomer is representing his.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Can we hit the Reset button?
So there I was, bustling through another Saturday night in the kitchen. Got the scoretracker on the Blackberry pulled up, hitting the refresh button whenever the chance arises to see whats going on in the opening contest for the Rebels in what is expected to be a respectable 2010 campaign. Hey, its halftime and we are winning 31-10. Sweet!! Looks like Stanley is having a good ballgame. Oh, wait, Masoli is getting some reps. Thats good. Lets get the guy some work. Gosh, looks like Stanley is really making a push to be the starter with the way he is playing....6 for 10, 130+ yards and 3 TD's. Nice! We got a little QB controversy brewin?? Maybe? Come back 30 minutes or so later and the wheels didn't just fall off....... The GD plane crashed in to the side of the mountain!!! I just don't know what to think at this point. This was a gimme right? I tell ya, give Jacksonville State all the credit in the world for what they accomplished. Most teams down 3 scores at half are just like, well, lets get this shit over with. Not them, they wanted it more and they showed it in the second half, and more importantly in the 4th Quarter. I am guessing the halftime speech by the Gamecocks coach was something like this....
Or Maybe there coach subscribes to this guys teachings. Possibly so, he did own the Rebels.....
Either way you slice it, they whipped our @$$ in the second half. All I can say. I was under the same delusion that our defense was supposed to be pretty solid this season. I guess that excludes teams that run the Spread offense? Or maybe its just against everybody? We'll find out for sure. I still think we have a talented team and I seriously doubt that this will ever happen again against a team the likes of Jacksonville State.
I bet this guy could get the Rebs to play a complete game and not blow a 3 TD lead in the second half....
Or Maybe there coach subscribes to this guys teachings. Possibly so, he did own the Rebels.....
Either way you slice it, they whipped our @$$ in the second half. All I can say. I was under the same delusion that our defense was supposed to be pretty solid this season. I guess that excludes teams that run the Spread offense? Or maybe its just against everybody? We'll find out for sure. I still think we have a talented team and I seriously doubt that this will ever happen again against a team the likes of Jacksonville State.
I bet this guy could get the Rebs to play a complete game and not blow a 3 TD lead in the second half....
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Maybe he can call Oregon and see if there's anyone over there that can play defense.
This baby pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter.
This baby pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter.
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Anthem for the Month of September
This came up the other day on the IPOD and I gotta say, took me back in time a little. I don't need to discuss the details of that period in time, if you were there, you know. Good times indeed..
Decision: Overruled!!
Well, looks like he's playing. The NCAA is like Brett Favre, they can't make up there mind. I think he gives the Rebs a shot at 8 wins, baring injury and what not.
Ole Miss quarterback Jeremiah Masoli may compete immediately, according to a decision today by the NCAA Division I Subcommittee for Legislative Relief. The subcommittee's decision overturns the staff decision that required Masoli to sit out the 2010-2011 season.
According to NCAA rules, created by member schools, football graduate student-athletes must receive a waiver in order to compete if they enroll at a university other than where they received their undergraduate degree. Every NCAA waiver process includes a staff decision first and an opportunity for the school to appeal that decision to an independent committee. This group is comprised of representatives of NCAA member schools and conferences. Throughout both stages of the waiver process, the case is reviewed and evaluated based on the specific facts of that particular case, as disclosed during the review process. In this case, the staff, subcommittee and school all acknowledged the complexity of the waiver request.
"We would like to thank the NCAA staff and subcommittee for approaching this case and all of its details with diligence and fairness," said Pete Boone, Ole Miss Director of Athletics.
"We're very appreciative of the system and all the people involved," said Rebels head coach Houston Nutt. "We know it's very difficult, and we're excited about the decision. It's time to play football."
Ole Miss quarterback Jeremiah Masoli may compete immediately, according to a decision today by the NCAA Division I Subcommittee for Legislative Relief. The subcommittee's decision overturns the staff decision that required Masoli to sit out the 2010-2011 season.
According to NCAA rules, created by member schools, football graduate student-athletes must receive a waiver in order to compete if they enroll at a university other than where they received their undergraduate degree. Every NCAA waiver process includes a staff decision first and an opportunity for the school to appeal that decision to an independent committee. This group is comprised of representatives of NCAA member schools and conferences. Throughout both stages of the waiver process, the case is reviewed and evaluated based on the specific facts of that particular case, as disclosed during the review process. In this case, the staff, subcommittee and school all acknowledged the complexity of the waiver request.
"We would like to thank the NCAA staff and subcommittee for approaching this case and all of its details with diligence and fairness," said Pete Boone, Ole Miss Director of Athletics.
"We're very appreciative of the system and all the people involved," said Rebels head coach Houston Nutt. "We know it's very difficult, and we're excited about the decision. It's time to play football."
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Powers Picks of the Week

Well I had to nearly beat it out of this jackhole, but he gave me who he is all over this weekend. I tell ya, dealing with him after he has been drinking is like pulling teeth.
Virginia Tech
The Under in Mississippi State/Memphis
I am hoping to have better dealings with him in the future and you may want to consult your book before taking these to find out exactly what the spread is going to be at gametime, etc.
Good Luck
Something to wet the appetite....
It's here! It is finally here!! College Football kicks off tonight! South Carolina vs the mustard buzzards of Southern Miss. Welcome to best 4-5 months of the year. Yippeee!! These hits are old, but they are classic. Song is really ghetto. Enjoy!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Rebel Football 2010 update
Well I heard the news on the radio this morning that Masoli was in fact not going to be cleared to play for the Rebs this season. Some unfortunate news for the Rebel faithful as I felt like he was going to have a strong impact on this years team and the results of the season. I have no idea why the NCAA waited so long to rule on this, but it kinda hit the squad at a bad time as the season is about to get underway. Here is a little snip of the arcticle via olemisssports.com ........
Ole Miss appealed an NCAA waiver decision Tuesday that would restrict Jeremiah Masoli from playing football for the Rebels until 2011.
The Ole Miss appeal of the NCAA staff’s decision will now be reviewed by an NCAA subcommittee, which is comprised of athletics directors, faculty athletics representatives and other administrators from NCAA member institutions. A response could be expected as early as Friday but no later than one week. “We are not aware of any case precedence to support their reasons,” said Pete Boone, Ole Miss athletics director.
“Jeremiah complied with the requirements under which other waivers were granted.
“It is our opinion that the decision was subjective and not weighted toward the best interest and opportunity of the student-athlete. We hope that the members of the subcommittee on appeals will see the reasons are favorable and for the benefit of Jeremiah.”
NCAA rules require that student-athletes in the sports of baseball, basketball and football sit out one year before being permitted to compete. Student-athletes who have graduated may receive a waiver to the one year residency requirements, provided they have been accepted into a graduate program and it is demonstrated that the transfer was for academic rather than athletic reasons.
In its rulings, the NCAA concluded that Masoli’s transfer was motivated because he had been dismissed from the team for the 2010 season and therefore was not for academic reasons.
“There is no requirement that says a student-athlete must be in good standing with an athletics team, just the university, which he was,” said Boone. “That question is not part of the waiver application. We are aware of other student-athletes with similar issues, but since their team status was not public, their waivers were successful.”
So it looks like my prediction for an 8-4 season has fallen flat and we've yet to step on the field. I think we are 6-6 and maybe 7-5. I kinda had the feeling that having an experienced QB, regardless of how quick he learned the offense, would be a good cue for us stealing a few games. Oh well, still a good bit can happen and maybe what talent is on the field will rally and make a big impact. Here's to wishing and hoping for some positive results.
Ole Miss appealed an NCAA waiver decision Tuesday that would restrict Jeremiah Masoli from playing football for the Rebels until 2011.
The Ole Miss appeal of the NCAA staff’s decision will now be reviewed by an NCAA subcommittee, which is comprised of athletics directors, faculty athletics representatives and other administrators from NCAA member institutions. A response could be expected as early as Friday but no later than one week. “We are not aware of any case precedence to support their reasons,” said Pete Boone, Ole Miss athletics director.
“Jeremiah complied with the requirements under which other waivers were granted.
“It is our opinion that the decision was subjective and not weighted toward the best interest and opportunity of the student-athlete. We hope that the members of the subcommittee on appeals will see the reasons are favorable and for the benefit of Jeremiah.”
NCAA rules require that student-athletes in the sports of baseball, basketball and football sit out one year before being permitted to compete. Student-athletes who have graduated may receive a waiver to the one year residency requirements, provided they have been accepted into a graduate program and it is demonstrated that the transfer was for academic rather than athletic reasons.
In its rulings, the NCAA concluded that Masoli’s transfer was motivated because he had been dismissed from the team for the 2010 season and therefore was not for academic reasons.
“There is no requirement that says a student-athlete must be in good standing with an athletics team, just the university, which he was,” said Boone. “That question is not part of the waiver application. We are aware of other student-athletes with similar issues, but since their team status was not public, their waivers were successful.”
So it looks like my prediction for an 8-4 season has fallen flat and we've yet to step on the field. I think we are 6-6 and maybe 7-5. I kinda had the feeling that having an experienced QB, regardless of how quick he learned the offense, would be a good cue for us stealing a few games. Oh well, still a good bit can happen and maybe what talent is on the field will rally and make a big impact. Here's to wishing and hoping for some positive results.
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