Pick your poison here in what will probably be a great Finals. After last season and "The Decision", which was fairly pretentious, you either love LeBron or you hate him. Probably the same can be said for D-Wade and Bosh as well. Either way, I think, as a whole, peeps like Dirk and they probably view him and the Mavs as underdogs. I'm sure the Mavs don't mind that role because the pressure is essentially on the Heat and there 3 headed monster. Personally I am torn on who to pull for because a part of me wants Dirk to get him a ring, but there is this other part that loves dominance and for LeBron to win a ring this year, I think it would only put thinkgs in motion for future dominance. Like Bulls multiple Three-peat dominance in the Jordan era. Just move Bitch, get out the way ya know. Anyhoo, we like the Heat in 6 and we will not address, nor dignify Scottie Pippens assessment that LeBron is better than Jordan. When he gets to 6 titles, then we'll talk. Until then, its ignorant to even suggest the idea.
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