I know I haven't posted in a good long while and this blog is essentially a fish out of water, just gasping for its last breath of air before dying and I hate that this is my first post in a while. But, The Macho Man Randy Savage has passed away. This is tragic for any little kid growing up in the 80's that looked forward to Saturday morning wrestling and eventually Monday nights. The Macho Man was one of the good guys back in those days. He wasn't a Razor Ramon turncoat MF'r. He ran with the Hulkster and together they were stars. He even won a couple of WWF Titles. He was no slouch. Besides, he had the Lovely, Miss Elizabeth in his corner. Sure, she couldn't pull you out of a jam like Bobby "The Brain" Heenan or Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Hart, but she really was the first piece of eye candy in a male dominated "sport" and has to be a pioneer for all these women that are commonplace in Wrastlin' nowadays. I haven't watched Wrestling in a while, its just not my bag anymore, but I did used to cheer for this guy. The apparent cause of death was car accident that occured after an apparent heart attack. The Macho Man was 58 years old and one can imagine that is a ripe old age considering the profession he was in for many years and god knows what kind of uppers, downers and in-betweeners he took to sustain himself in peak condition to hit the mat for all those years. Most people will probably remember him for "snapping into a slim jim" and rightfully so, he was the face and spokesperson for there campaign for many years and did his duties well. Couldn't have been to hard, he just played himself. Anyway, farewell Macho Man
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