Monday, June 15, 2009


Most of you who know me know that I am a talker and sometimes I say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Well, chalk one more up on the big board. While sitting in class today I hear a conversation taking place on the row behind me. They are talking about the video of the 72 year old woman who was tased in Texas by a Constable Deputy. If you haven't seen it, here it is.

Since I had seen the video I figured I would join the conversation. So I turn around and say "That bitch deserved every bit of that tasing!" Then everyone in the conversations eyes get real big as one of them looks at me and says "That's my grandmother". I realized quickly by everyone's look that this was the part of the conversation that I had missed. Luckily she agreed with me and was not upset. Anyway, the girl is now a celebrity in our class since it's a class full of cops who have all seen and love the video. Moral of the story is know your surroundings and be careful when you get in on the middle of a conversation. Below is a picture of our new class celebrity. I think I could take her if she did get upset although she is all tatted up and probably fights dirty.


Anonymous said...

Haha! That is absolutely just like you to do something like that!! Not that ive never done it!!haha! Bet you argued with her that it wasnt even her grandmother! haha!But thanks for making my day!!

MacArthur said...

I did not argue with her. Like it says in the article, the looks on the others faces even before she told me let me know she wasn't kidding.

Anonymous said...

I was just kidding about you arguing with her!! But it wouldnt have surprised me!! haha!! Still very funny tho! :)