Sunday, June 7, 2009

What a weekend.....

As I sit here with a very cluttered head and a feeling of concern because the details of the last two nights are fuzzy, I notice a pint of Crown Royal in a jar on my desk. How did that get there? I really don't know and honestly don't care. Did I steal that from someones house? It's amazing the shenanigans that can occur when you stay on the drink for a few days. This is not to say that I got a problem by know means. I barely get out as it is, so when the opportunity came to take a weekend night off for a friends wedding, naturally I jumped at the chance. As a matter of fact, I asked off back in April. With that being said, a few musings that I saw this weekend....

Friday night when I got to everyones favorite watering hole, Webster's, I saw a woman on the back patio holding a baby in her arm and a mixed drink in the other hand while alternating between drags off what appeared to be a Misty. It was a long and slender smoke, so i figured it was either that or a Virginia Slim. This is irrelevant, I know, but it was a shade past midnight at this point and I couldn't help but wonder how badly this kids cartoon schedule is going to be affected because momma decided to take Suzie out for a couple of rounds at the bar. That's good parenting. So as usual, I went to late night which is conveniently located a few houses down. I had reached the point in the evening where things were slowing down, people were leaving and it was time I do the same. As I opened the fence from the backyard to the frontyard, I notice a truck parked there, running, people inside. Naturally, I knew them and they rolled down the window and said, "Get In". There was a two second delay on my part as if the little devil on one shoulder was fighting with the little angel on the other. The devil won and off we went. Where? Riding around. Always a sound, rational decision after you have been on the drink for a couple of hours. I will omit the participants because it is not important to the story, nor is there a moral to be had from this blurb. Well, I guess the moral is, "If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough". Anywho, we go out to everyones favorite place of racial diversity, Money. Money is a great source for late night booze cruise; a good bit of gravel, minimal traffic and nobody cares how loud the music is.. So this 'Cruise' involved a near hit on a raccoon, seeing a good family of deer and some Reba. That's right, "Fancy" came on the radio and we all sang along. Go ahead and act Macho all you want, but you know good and damn well you know the words to the song. This is the stuff of gold, the little gems in life that often occur under the influence and that you wish you could have photographic or video evidence of the event, so that when you are having a bummer of day you can look at or watch and laugh. Anyway, we wrap up the party, drop some folks off and are heading home. If you are keeping score at home and are wondering at what time it was, lets just say, those newspapers that get delivered in morning, were already out on the lawns and driveways. About 200 yards from home an impromptu decision to hit up the Krystal burger was put into effect and a U-turn was busted and off we went back into the lions den of dodging the cops and driving straight. Apparently, they(Krystal) switched over from mini burgers to there breakfast menu some time before we arrived. As displeasing as this was, I felt a biscuit would suffice. My wingman, I guess wanted to get all fat and nasty, so he went with what I am sure was a 12,000 calorie breakfast bowl. Eggs, grits, sausage and bacon all melded together in a bowl for a good blast to the ticker. He countered this cholesterol concoction with a diet coke because, he said he was watching his weight. Smart move on his part. There were people out taking a leisurely early morning stroll when I(we) finally arrived at the safety of home. I am guessing that I probably don't need to many of these nights strung together. This was just Friday night/Saturday morning.... I will give you the details of Saturday whenever I can remember them.

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