Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Ok, I realize that this is not really the normal thing we post here on this blog, but it has cartoon dogs wearing people clothes and that's a winner in my book. Somehow these dogs make me understand how screwed up our government is more than the so called "news" channels. After watching this you should go out and buy a bunch of guns and leather and chains and shit because it's only a matter of time before America turns into Thunderdome.

and if you don't know what I meant when I said Thunderdome, here ya go...

1 comment:

Chef David Crews said...

I think Stephen Hawkins should sue that site for stealing his voice...haha.. dear lord, I appologize... as for ThunderDome Tina Turner was AWESOME in that movie.... it was like "Proud Mary" or "Private Dancer" without good writing, no wonder Ike beat the shit out of her.. ha ha just kiding.. Yall always keep me laughing! keep it up..