Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Creepy Neighbor- Part One

I have been living in the same place now for about two years, give or take. There was this six month sabbatical in Jackson, but for the most part, I have kept the same address. Historically, this has been rare for me as I have moved around like a gypsy looking for the score for the past several years. Anyway, I moved into this house two years, great neighborhood; friends all down the street. I thought this will be great, I hope the rest of the neighborhood can handle it or us. We like to drink and stay up late with loud music and carry on like freshman. One day I discovered that we live next door to a man that carries a scowl on his face. Just has this look like, if you talk to me I will kill you. Come to find out he is retired military, a veteran of Vietnam. Make no mistake, I respect our men and women in Uniform, but this guy had that 1000 yard stare. I guess he was in "the sh!t"?! I had no intention of talking to this cat or ever really getting to know him. I figured that we would have to deal with him one way or the other with some late night that kept him or he would wake up p!ssed around the time Angus was going into his guitar solo. Either way, I figured it was going to be a bad encounter. As it turns out, this guy gets up early. I have no idea why; I have never seen him go to work or anything that would lead me to believe that he was holding down a job. He did things like clean out the ditches after a rain, water the lawn and stare out into the neighbor hood as if he was waiting for the Viet Cong to come out of the bushes. All this, coupled with his outward appearance were red flags to stay the hell away.

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