Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Creepy Neighbor- Part Three

One day while leaving for work and my usual check of the outward premises, I discovered that I missed him. I let down my guard or maybe he was hiding. We had an encounter. It was a cordial one. Pretty bland...he asked me about the weather. To which I replied, yeah it had been raining for a few days. The ditches were clean and the water was moving off the property quite nice. Good work big guy.This small talk continued for the rest of the week. Was this guy reaching out to me? Did he want to become drinking buddies? What was it? I had already drawn the line in the sand... I was not crossing. I will keep it simple and be polite and make small talk, but you can bet your a$$ I am getting in that car and getting away from here. Well naturally, we run into him in the bar that weekend. It was one of those awkward situations where you meet in passing... we spoke.. how you doing? What not? I went down to a table, he stayed up by the bar where he already had territory marked from his flatulence. Later on that evening, after way too many beers/scotchs/shots.... we were going to do one more yagerbomb. Why not? We were at the bar, putting in the order, salivating... when we discovered that we had too many shots. Nobody would pony up and do two, myself included.... so we said, "hey Bill, you wanna do a shot?" I think he nodded, but it was that type of nod that really meant, "Does a bear sh!t in the woods?" A resounding yes. True to form, he slammed it... finished it before we did. As anyone knows, a yagerbomb does not have the most pleasant taste to the palate. I mean it is good, but it has a cough syrup feel inside the mouth. The ole boy Bill never flinched... he just took another drag off his smoke and followed it with stout sip of his draft brew. He left about ten minutes afterward, probably to throw up.

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