Monday, May 11, 2009

Creepy neighbor update

If you have followed anything in regards to this blog then you know of this man. You also should be inclined to know that he is a relentless ditch cleaner out guy after a rain. And based on the current conditions around these parts there is plenty of water to get moving and run off to its final destinations. So anyway, I am outside viewing the yard after the torrential rains that came upon us today and low and behold who walks out there front door. Rake in hand mind you. It was like he was just sitting inside, waiting for it to stop so he could get to work. Clearly the man has a passion for this craft and how fortunate for me to live next to this multi-talented man. He spent a good 20-30 minutes out there raking leaves out, piling them away from the canals to keep a good flow and ensuring proper drainage. I watched him work, I didn't have anything else to do and it was kinda nice to see a person of his skill display a craft that is clearly overlooked and under appreciated. I didn't thank him because I didn't want to talk to him and plus he looked like he was in a zone. Not the kinda zone you see with guys in the playoffs, but one of hate and disdain for rainwater. This could go back to the days when he was in the sh!t in Nam, but who really knows. Anyway, thanks neighbor.

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