Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Profiling!! Its wrong...

So as many of our readers know I have a mustache. I lost a bet and honored it by rocking this unique facial hair treat. The deal was for a week , but we are well into week three and it has kinda grown on me... no pun intended. Anyway, I made my first official public appearance the other night at a local establishment that has been mentioned on here more than I can count, Webster's. The place had a good crowd, I knew my people would be there... figured it would be a good night and a good time to share this joy that I have bestowed upon my upper lip. I walk in and immediately I am getting high fives, thumbs ups from across the bar... People are digging it. Awesome!! So I venture outdoors to have what would be multiple cigs and that's when I ran into the girls. I will refer to them as the girls to keep it short, but these are friends that are female. It wasn't as well received from them as it was the fellows. I was called everything from a Mexican to a criminal that specializes in driving around a van with 'Free Candy' written on the side. This did not waiver my enthusiasm for the stache. I was proud of it and felt they were just in a bit of shock. Then something peculiar happened, one female felt the need to compare me to dirty ass old man that used to drive and El Camino from her hometown. She is a transplant, not originally from Greenwood and is lucky to be living here as far as I am concerned. This was not a big deal, however, the next day I received a text from this transplant that was a jest pointed towards my mustache. I didn't even dignify the text with a response. The hell with her and her shenanigans.

So, this led to the ole wheels a spinning in the head and I decided to do a little experiment. I felt that I would get the response that I was looking for as this person has a history of running things into the ground. So, I went to this persons place of employment... she is in retail... to see if my theory and thoughts would be proven correct. I figured that I would walk in and she would laugh and make some chastising remark as this is all this person has to do is make fun of people...look in the mirror please. My plan was to bounce as soon as she went after me and then tell her that I would do my shopping elsewhere. Well, true to form, she did what I thought she would do, she laughed. I did a sort of about face and headed out the door. She followed, speaking my name in a tone just below a yell, like she was trying to wrangle up a loose dog. I got to my car door... she was at the door of the business and I told her, " I am gonna shop somewhere else". Sure, it seems a little petty, but the point of exercise was to see if her response would be exactly what I thought it would and it was. I was profiled because of this mustache. It started on Saturday, continued on Sunday and came to a peak on Wednesday.

If I was a lesser man, I would have just let her keep on busting me up, but I didn't. By doing what I did, she got the impression that I was upset with her and that got the wheels a spinnin in the old noggin. They should be spinning, although I don't know where they are going, but you just can't manage a store and laugh at every dude with a stache. Although, I bet the next man that walks in wearing one will be greated with a smile that has laughter and disdain behind it just as my greeting did. So in closing I would like to put forth my best PSA and say just because a cat has a stache doesn't mean he is from South of the border or is a pederast who did six months in Chino for exposing himself to an eight year old. He might just be someone who lost a bet so please be kind...bitch

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