Sunday, November 8, 2009

And We're Back!!!.......

Well first off I would like to apologize for the absence from this post. Sorry to have let so many of you down over the past few weeks. Secondly, I would like to thank my neighbor for getting his computer fixed and getting the wireless network set back up. You see, I am running my Internet off his Internet. He knows about it so don't bother ratting me out. Anyway, what all have I missed? Not to damn much. In the past couple of weeks I have noticed that the sporting world is starting to get back to normal. I mean Ole Miss is awful, at best; and the Yankees are the Champs for the 27th time in franchise history. World's back to normal right? So, Ole Miss....friggin Ole Miss. As much as it pains me to say this, I hope that Rebel nation enjoys the last win of the season because there are no more to be had. Tennessee, LSU, and Bullpups. Not winning any of those...Sorry. Hate me if you want, but don't hate me when it happens because I am telling the truth.

I would like to say we might steal one against either Tennessee or State but I just don't think its happening. Especially not against the Bullies. They are playing with a purpose and there schedule could come down to an Egg Bowl victory puts them in a bowl games and keeps the Rebs at home. Well, if it does, game over Ole Miss. I really hope that doesn't happen but I am a realist not a dreamer and I am just calling it like I see it. Rebs lose out and go to the Library for shots.

So Halloween was fun this year, but I found that there was a real lacking in the slutty girl outfits. I mean, my outfit wasn't spectacular and I'm not a girl, but I didn't have all week, day or month to put it together. I work for a living. Just for the future, Halloween is the one day of the year that you(women) can get away with this and not be judged. Embrace that opportunity because the other 364 days of the year you are just a hootchie if you go around dressed like that.

Moving right along.....Older ladies....It may or may not be the best idea to rake the yard in sponge rollers and a bathrobe. I am not judging you, but I did almost have a wreck tying to make sure I was seeing what I thought I saw. Frightening is what that is. And damn lady, what was is with the scowl on your face. I swear that lady looked at me like she wanted to kill me. Maybe it was because I slowed down, rolled the window down and honked the horn. I don't know....maybe that was it. I just thought yard raking had its on dress code and that it wasn't open for whatever and the hell you want to put on.

Anyway, it feels great to be back here amongst you...spinning yarns... bitching about Ole Miss and what have you. I promise, there is more to come.

1 comment:

TC said...

You are a liar and a traitor and should be taken away.