Monday, November 9, 2009


I'm not one to blame refs for a loss but this was ridiculous. LSU played their ass off and I'm not saying that things would have turned out different if some calls went their way, but it sure would have been nice to see them have a chance. First here is a picture of the corner being blocked on Julio Jones long touchdown.

Sure looks like a block in the back to me. And next here is the interception that was ruled incomplete by the replay official.

Not only does some chump in the cheap seats get a picture of it, but the second one is from one of CBS's cameras which the replay official had access to. I guess on the bright side, there are rumblings out of Ann Arbor that certain someone's want Rich Rod out so they can go after Miles. I see no reason for Miles not to go since LSU won't be in the middle of a National Championship run. If this happens it will make me happy.

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