Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July revisited...

Now that the fog has lifted and my mind is working again I will try and recount the day that was Independence day. A well conceived plan to have a pool party/volleyball match started with a few and ended with many. We did not do much cooking on the 4th, as much as it was done the day before. We decided on this in order to not get bogged down manning a grill all afternoon.

The Volleyball match: I can't recall how many were involved, but lets say 16 people total. 8 on 8!! It started as a best of three but somehow got twisted into a best of five. The reason for that is because the loser of the best of three was sore about getting spanked and so we played two more. Which, obviously at that point, myself and the team I was on was entirely over the legal limit of consumption. So we won the best of three but lost the best of five. You see, one of the rules in volleyball at the Macarthur Pool is that if you hit the ball out of the pool you must do the service of taking a shot of whatever liquor is provided. Well, two of the masterminds of this party decided to take it back to the old school and make up tasty concoction for the purpose of shooting. It was like a mixture of Bullfrog and Whoop juice. If you are from around here you know what I am talking about. I am sure there are other names for it in other states, but that is how we roll around here. We decided to call it Whoop Frog!!!

Anyway, you take a water cooler with spout. Mix up a half gallon of vodka, a can and a half of frozen limeade concentrate, a liter of triple sec, a liter of sweet and sour, and a two liter of sprite. Chop up some oranges, pineapples, and watermelon to throw in there and just mix it all together. This last part is very important. You need to add ice too it. Otherwise you are drinking a really stout cocktail. The ice melts and dilutes it a little...not allot though.

Ok, now that the mixology is out of the way. As I mentioned.. Ball leaves pool, person responsible takes a shot. We had about 7 balls in the pool so we could continue without constantly getting in and out of the pool. Long and short of it, I hit a fair amount of balls out the pool. An although my intimidation tactic of constantly splashing the other team in between points did not work; I will defend the method as sound and legal in the realm of pool volleyball.

So with that being said, the folks at the party wanted to wish Macarthur a happy 4th since he is not with us and is now a Texan. That's what the pic is for. Notice I am not in it Mac. So don't shoot the messenger.
Also, I wanted to include a picture of this knucklehead. You know him!! He is such a fixture here he might as well be a contributor. Thanks and hope everyone else had a great holiday.

1 comment:

MacArthur said...

Thanks everyone for the heartfelt holiday wishes. That means a lot. It's great for all of you to tell me I'm #1. That picture of Stewie gives me christmas gift ideas. I think CVS is having a sale on Rogaine. I'll go stock up for him. May be coming there in a couple of weeks. Haven't decided yet.