Sunday, July 19, 2009

Creepy neighbor update

This is pretty much long overdue. I mean I haven't written anything about this guy in months. And honestly, he hasn't been up to much. I don't know. He could be inside waiting on the heatwave of summer to pass. He could be working on a series of IED's to incorporate throughout the town. Oh yeah, for those of you living on the moon the last 10 years, IED is an acronym for improvised explosive devise. Anyway, he has been quiet which scares the ever living hell out of me. Why is he quiet? Cut the grass! Rake the yard! Something! Just let me know that you are there and not harboring my untimely demise. Did that girl that said she was going to rat me out about these stories finally come true on her threat? God I hope not. I am always nice to her. Not because of that threat, but because I am nice person. Anyway, our paths crossed just recently the other afternoon. He was out surveying his yard. He was shirtless with jeans on and his standard issue hiking boots. I thought that was a little much. We don't want to see you shirtless in your yard. Put some clothes on man. There are children riding bikes and stuff. There should be a shirt ordinance in this town. If you aren't going or coming from a water related event(pool, lake, river, etc..) you should be bound by law to wear a shirt. I don't give a damn how hot it is and to be honest with you it hasn't been that hot. Anyway, that's all I got on this cat. Like I said, he has been quiet. And like I said, this scares me. So, when something happens that is beyond reasonable understanding and can only be clear evidence that it is an event of a cataclysmic nature, don't forget... I told you so.

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