Monday, January 26, 2009


This is one reason I don't like basketball. It's nothing but street thugs who as soon as their basketball playing days are over will probably end up doing a stretch at their local penitentiary. As far as the white guy goes, how do you let someone step on your face and then do absolutely nothing about it? That was a weak ass attempt to look like you were going to do something when all the while you knew that someone would grab you before you ever got to the guy. At least take a swing you pussy. Even if you miss you will have at least tried to stick up for yourself. Also your teamates must not like you either, because I'm pretty sure if someone stepped on one of my teamates faces I would at least take a swing at the guy. Even if I only tolerated him as a teamate. This guy should be suspended for the rest of the season. If the face stepping isn't enough, the congratulatory fives he was giving while smiling and laughing after should. I'm pretty sure if you did that not at a sanctioned sporting event, it's called assault.

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