Time to settle it. For all the marbles, the whole ball of wax. Tonight Gators; Sooners.... to decide it all. Personally I hope the Gators mop the floor with Oklahoma. Not only for the sake of the SEC, but also for the fact that the announcers/media/ people who get paid to talk about things that they are not entirely qualified for, can once and for all shut up about the awesomeness of the Big 12 this year. Sure Texas won there bowl game over Ohio State, but in all reality Ohio State choked. There is no need to go into The Cotton Bowl, we all know what happened in that one. Harrell threw for 350+, lost by 14, should have lost by allot more.I am not certain, but knowing Macarthur and his love for the SEC conference, I would say he is endorsing Florida as well. I could be wrong, I have not looked at the line on the game. He is a gambler. Anyway, give em hell Tebow.
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