Monday, September 28, 2009
The Adventures of Magnum P.I.G

Saturday, September 26, 2009

David Grubb or Grubbs was released from Parchman Prison after an 18
year sentence for sexual battery . He is
now living in the Clarksdale Area and has been seen around the Ellis
Arms apartment/Bill Walters office area and around Court Street. He is
a normal, nice looking white male approximately 50 years old driving a
navy blue ford. You can look him up on the Mississippi sex
offenders list under Quitman County . He claims to be living in
Lambert but has been seen lots of times recently around Clarksdale and
was even spotted working at the St. Elizabeth's Fair. Obviously
whoever let him work didn't know of his past. He preys on young girls
middle school through college age so please, please pay special
attention wherever you go...
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Questions? Answered!!
With that being said, I really thought we were going to rally that one out there at the end. I remember about the time we got the ball, down by six, someone saying, "Its time to shit or get off the pot". Unfortunately, we got off the pot. And you could make a case for a few blown calls that would have gone in our favor, but that is just shoulda, woulda, coulda and making excuses. South Carolina beat us up pretty bad. There defense played pretty great all night and there offense did what was needed to win, they got points most of the time they had the opportunity. It might have been field goals but they count too last time I checked. I thought our defense played pretty solid considering that they were put into a lot of difficult situations. As the game was progressing I was pretty pleased that we were able to hold them to 3 instead of a TD when they got into scoring position. Our offense was the downfall and that can be directly attributed to how well South Carolina played on D and some sloppiness on our part.
Anyway, there is still allot of football left to be played, so this is not the end of the world even though it sucks a big one. I look forward to see how the Rebels respond next week and then we will worry about whether we have a sno-balls chance in hell against Bama. Till then, peace.
1st Test?!?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
These are the guys that almost made the cut. Some of them just didn't have the resume to be on the list but we will celebrate them anyway.
Randall 'Pink' Floyd - "Dazed and Confused" - I guess I can understand him not wanting to play by the rules. It was 1976, but he owed it too his team to fall in line with the coaches request of getting the petition signed and not engage in any alcohol or drug related activity that would somehow jeopardize those dreams of a championship season in '77. It all had to do with that other crowd he was running around with and his main concern that summer was getting Aerosmith tickets. Can you blame the guy? Still the old-timers at the little league game felt he had the talent, he just has a 5 cent head on top of his shoulders.
Rifleman - "All the Right Moves" - Rifleman was talented enough to lead the team, he just had some knuckleheads on the other side of the ball and got put in some bad situations. Still, a quality QB would have made something out of nothing.
Johnny Utah - "Point Break" - Never saw him play a snap but he did perform well on the Beach, with the board and the ball. I guess he felt the FBI was the highest level he could achieve.
Paul Crewe - "The Longest Yard" (2005) - Interesting remake of a classic and it certainly had its highlights. I mean can you argue with a guy named Cheeseburger Eddie. Still doesn't hold a candle to 1974 film.
Lance Harbor- "Varsity Blues" -This guy had it all, the talent, the team, the coach, and the girl. Unfortunately his knee injury cost him what might have been with football and this top ten. I am sure he will make a fine coach for West Canaan though.
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
#1 - Paul Crewe - "The Longest Yard" (1974)
After a spin around town in the Maserati, beer in hand mind you, Paul gets tracked down by the law and is sent to Pookie. All he wants to do is serve his time, pay his debt to society and move on. Well not in Warden Hazens prison. You see the Warden has a hard-on for his beloved guard staffed football team and he has an even bigger hard-on for Paul Crewe. He basically strong-arms Paul into forming a team of inmates to play against the before mentioned 'Guards' team in what will all likely be a complete beatdown. Well, Paul has had enough of lying down. He has already played the doormat with his point-shaving scheme that got him the boot from pro ball altogether. In what was a highly competitive first half of football, the Warden instructs him that he will be in Prison for a long time if he doesn't lay down. Well the Warden give him his word that the 'Mean Machine' will not be abused after the 'Guards' get up by a few scores. Of course the Warden renigs on his promise and is intent upon destroying the team physically and mentally. After soaking up the pine with a faux knee injury, Paul decides he has had enough of being the coward and taking it lying down. He rallies the team, but first he has to get there trust back. When he does, the 'Mean Machine' starts rolling and pull of the upset of the 'Guards'
Paul is the complete player. He is the exact opposite of Tim Tebow ethically and morally, but he more than rivals him physically and mentally. A great arm, great decision maker, amazing speed and probably the best improvisational QB to ever lace em' up. In addition, he is a great organizer and a scary judge of talent. He took an entire roster of prison inmates who had barely ever had a snap at any level of football and got them to buy into the team and believe in each other and eventually believe in him again.
Paul Crewe: Hey Pop, the time you hit Hazen in the mouth, was it worth 30 years?
Pop: For me it was.
Paul Crewe: Then give me my damn shoe!
Paul Crewe: Nate, if you're thinkin' about winning this game, you're as crazy as he is!
Nate Scarboro: Well maybe so, but you spend fourteen years in this tank, and you begin to understand that you've only got two things left they can't sweat out of you or beat out of you - your balls - and you better hang onto them because they're about the only thing you're gonna have when you get out of here.
Paul Crewe: You know what my problem has been all my life? I've always had my shit together. Always. My problem's been I couldn't lift it.
The Longest Yard (1974)
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
Age is nothing but a number!! That is all you need to know about Paul Blake. After probation cuts scholarships, bowl games and pretty much everything else from the once gloried Texas State University Fightin' Armadillos program Coach Ed Gennero has to start from scratch. One obstacle is not having a QB. Well leave it up to the always crafty defensive mind to cure that ailment. Defensive Coordinator, Coach Wally Rig goes out and finds him one in the likes of a Ranch owner named Paul Blake. Paul was a High School star who never got a shot at the Collegiate level because he had to take over the family ranch. Herding up cattle, mending fences and just basic agriculture was the way of life for Paul and he was somewhat content in keeping up the family business. However, he always dreamed of playing ball again. That was obvious because to the scarecrow receiver wearing '88' out in the pasture. Lord knows how many times scarecrow man took one of those rifles in the chest at the hand of Paul. He had a big league arm, a great decision maker, and was a spirited leader. I dare you to find a man this age with that much talent. Paul is one of those guys that you build a program around despite the fact that he is scaring the hell out of 40.
Necessary Roughness from Hog Database on Vimeo.
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
#3 - Willie Beamen - "Any Given Sunday"
What do you say about a guy with this much talent? Rocket for an arm and the type of wheels reminiscent of the days before Micheal Vick was a dog fighter. Initially, Willie is like a wild card. All that talent, but he lacks the experience at this level to play the QB position. Well that is the beauty of football when good coaching and amazing talent combine, you get Willie Beamen. It takes some time, but Tony D'Amato puts the leash on Willie and get him to start believing in himself, the team and Willie takes the team to the playoff. Really couldn't have come a moment too soon, aging QB Jack 'Cap' Rooney has taken his share of hits over the years and just can't get it done anymore regardless of what his wife says. It becomes Willie's team and boy does he arrive. I mean you know you have arrived when you have a rap video, don't you?
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
What can you say about a guy who goes from trafficking stolen goods to leading a team? Exactly the same thing, a natural born leader. Bird didn't need to stay in school and get educated. The only education he needed was in fencing TVs and like most all great athletes, they are not on the field. Enter Coach Molly McGrath. The women, with football in her blood, who is responsible for the successful recruiting and acquisition on Bird's talents. Everybody knew deep down inside that Bird wanted to play, he went to practice everyday with his ladies. I guess criminals do need time to relax and watching practice was the way Bird went about doing that. Anyway, Bird works out a deal with coach that does more than get him on the field, it also helps him avoid 5-10 in County. Bird was a natural QB, good arm, fairly accurate with his throws and solid speed. Exactly the dual threat the Wildcats needed to get on track and make that playoff run. A real game-changer in my book.
Marvel: Fuck you!
Molly McGrath: Fuck you what?
Marvel: Fuck you... Coach McGrath.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
After developing a reputation for being a softy and pretty much living in shame with the stigma, 'Footsteps' Falco being labeled to his name after the Sugar Bowl debacle, Shane gets another shot. A strike-shortened season leads the league to bring in replacement players or scrubs to finish out the year. These guys are horrible until Falco steps up and becomes a leader and starts wanting the ball with the game on the line. He rallies the team and his life and takes the team to the playoffs. Shane becomes a winner and he gets his teammates to buy into the philosophy. Guys like Clifford Franklin, who has worst hands than me start to develop into the real deal.
Clifford Franklin: The football's like a one-man cold to Clifford Franklin. Clifford Franklin's the only man catchin' it, Clifford Franklin's the only man comin' down wid it.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
The kid really didn't have any desire to be the starting QB for the West Canaan Coyotes. That was Lance Harbor's job. Lance was the star. Mox was just content riding the pine, putting philosophy books over his playbook and trying to get into Brown University and getting out of West Canaan, Texas. Well Billy Bob missed a block because his 'Cat' was messed up and down goes Lance. Enter Mox, a kid with his own set of ideals and a scattered view of the town he has grown up in. I think that is what I like about Mox. He didn't really care what everybody thought of him, not even Hall of Fame Coach Bud Kilmer. Mox had a good arm, he broke his daddy's nose in an impromptu game of "William Tell" and he had Balls. He stood up for Wendall when he wasn't getting his carries and scores. He brought Billy Bob back down to earth and respected Lance and the team minus Kilmer. Great teammate, Great friend, Great leader.
Mox: In America, we have laws. Laws against killing, laws against stealing. And it is just accepted that as a member of American society, you will live by these laws. In West Canaan, Texas, there is another society which has it's own laws. Football is a way of life.
Jonathon "Mox' Moxon: If we go out and half-ass it 'cause we're scared, then we'll always wonder if we were really good enough. But if we go out there and give it all we've got... that's heroic. You guys wanna be heroes?
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
I know what you are thinking. Sunshine? How the hell did Sunshine make the list? Guys a fruit from California. He kissed Bertier on the lips then punked him out while Gerry was trying to kick his ass. Still can't figure that one out. But anyway, Sunshine can ball. He can run, he can throw and he can lay down the blocks you need when you need them. Sure, he didn't have the confidence to make that pitch on the option, but he got better. I mean this kid walked into a team that was racially divided. A team that was struggling to unite so that they could achieve something together. And Sunshine just rolled in, didn't judge anyone, didn't see color, just saw teammates and a chance to play ball. He was a natural leader, disciplined and he was tough. He did grow up in a military household. His father was a Colonel.
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
If I have seen this movie once, I have seen it a 1000 times. Came out about the time I was in high school, hitting the gridiron, getting my @$$ knocked off, so it was watched a great deal back in those days. Joe was a very solid QB. A Heisman hopeful whose season gets interrupted because he likes the bottle a bit too much. He got it honest. His daddy was a drunk, so it ran in his family. That doesn't take away from the fact that when he is on, by damn he is on.
Joe Kane: Let's put the women and children to bed and go lookin' for dinner!
Classic line but probably gets over-used. Nonetheless, I will take a boozing Joe Kane over just about anybody. That's what you want out of your QB with the game on the line; "Just give me the GD ball"
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition
I took up this book in high school and absolutely loved it. So dramatic and as far as I am concerned they did a pretty fair job turning it into a movie although the movie it is not entirely accurate. Here you have this no-name QB who is mostly level-headed, but prone to nerves. His play is unspectacular, but effective. He feels a lot of pressure from the town and peers alike. In addition, he isn't really getting any looks from major colleges because the entire team is built around the main man in the backfield, Boobie Miles. Well Boobie's career is cut short due to a knee injury and ole Mike has to step up. They have there bumps and bruises but manage to get into the playoffs and advance to the Texas State Championship Game against the Dallas Carter. Anyway, Winchell is a gamer in my book.
Mike Winchell: This is for the state championship. I love all of ya'll, baby. I love all of ya'll
Mike Winchell: He designed his offense around one player. We're dead.
Brian Chavez: We're not dead. You just need to start throwing the ball.
Don Billingsley: We're dead.
Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Weekend and What's Ahead
In addition, I looked around briefly last night to try and find out some info about the Rebels on Thursday night ESPN games and those efforts, while mediocre, proved fruitless. From my recollection, we got prison raped by Tennessee in Memphis in 1996 and won a pretty exciting game against Arkansas in Oxford in 1997. I was at both those games and Mac was with me in Memphis. If you need confirmation of my attendance I can give you a list of people or I can show you my college transcript because I failed some test due to attending the games instead of being a student, that's loyalty.
Anyway, while I don't agree with what everything Mac said about the Florida/Tennessee game he was right about one thing. Florida didn't look that good. Maybe there is some parity in the SEC this year, where in years past there has been one or two teams to beat. However, based on the polls, the West is where it is at with Bama, Rebs, and LSU Tigers living and breathing in the Top 10. Do I think the Rebels are one of those teams to beat? Not sold on it yet, and it would be entirely foolish to make an assessment like that at any point in the season, regardless of who we play. I just hope we can avoid the upset bug over the next two weeks and start looking a little more complete. Hotty Toddy!!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009
On a side note, why does the artist win for video of the year? Shouldn't the director and the producer get the credit for this? All the artist has to do is lip sync and follow the directors orders. I mean you don't ever see an actor win "Movie of the year" do you?
Thank you Dalton
Quote of the Day... and maybe the Century
I don't know how you cannot move forward from this day and not be able to apply that to nearly every aspect of life. Work, Politics, Dating; you name it. It is so Universal and Powerful. Think about it?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
College Poll of the Week

1 Florida (56) 1-0 1493
2 Texas (2) 1-0 1424
3 USC 1-0 1355
4 Alabama (2) 1-0 1331
5 Oklahoma State 1-0 1201
6 Mississippi 1-0 1095
7 Penn State 1-0 1082
8 Ohio State 1-0 985
9 Brigham Young 1-0 984
10 California 1-0 971
11 LSU 1-0 890
12 Boise State 1-0 882
13 Oklahoma 0-1 782
14 Virginia Tech 0-1 652
15 Georgia Tech 1-0 630
16 TCU 0-0 523
17 Utah 1-0 404
18 Notre Dame 1-0 383
19 North Carolina 1-0 338
20 Miami (FL) 1-0 315
21 Georgia 0-1 294
22 Nebraska 1-0 266
23 Cincinnati 1-0 248
24 Kansas 1-0 196
25 Missouri 1-0 126
Others receiving votes: Oregon State 113, Michigan State 83, Pittsburgh 82, Texas Tech 53, Oregon 47, Clemson 40, FLORIDAST 39, West Virginia 32, Tennessee 30, Iowa 24, Michigan 18, UCLA 18, Baylor 17, Boston College 14, Arizona 12, East Carolina 6, Air Force 4, Auburn 4, Colorado State 4, Arkansas 3, South Carolina 3, South Florida 1, Southern Miss 1, Tulsa 1, Houston 1,
Tuesday Funk
Monday, September 7, 2009
Rebels Conquer Memphis!!!

Today's game marked the start of the 115th football season for Ole Miss and the second under head coach Houston Nutt ... The program boasts an all-time record of 607-464-35.
The Rebel defense intercepted two passes ... Dating back to last year, Ole Miss has posted multiple interceptions in six straight games and had an interception return for a TD for the second straight game.
With six extra points today, junior K Joshua Shene extended his streak of successful PATs to 80, which is second on the all-time Rebel charts ... Shene was 1-for-1 on field goals, connecting from 27 yards out.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
T-minus 6 hours Rebel Faithful
With that being said, enjoy your Sunday and your Monday off work.
Friday, September 4, 2009
So I guess we are off to good start?!??
So I am watching the tail end of the Oregon vs. Boise State ball game and its pretty much over, I am just watching the seconds tick off the clock, as Boise State is gonna take this one 19-8. So the game ends, players start filing on the field to shake hands and show respect for a hard fought game. Well thats were it the respect flies out the window. From what was shown on ESPN, Boise State Defensive End, Byron Hout is jumping around, helmet off, celebrating and he slaps the Oregon tailback, Legarrette Blount on the shoulder. Well this apparently didn't sit well with Mr. Blount because he put ole Byron on his ass. I mean it was straight on the chin and poor Byron never saw it coming. Was it cheap? Hell yeah it was cheap. Did Byron deserve it? He probably did. Who knows what he might have said to Thug living Blount. Was Blount justified in laying this dude out? Probably not. I mean he hit Byron so hard his grandmother felt it. Then he went after the fans. Classy Blount, very Classy.
So with that being said, let me emphasize this point. You don't mess with the Mississippi Boys. Sure, Blount is originally from Florida, but he played Juco at East Mississippi Community College. Apparently this guy is pretty big thug and has some attitude problems. I am guessing he is no longer a 'Duck' after this incident.
***On a sidenote, props to WR Coach Scott Frost for restraining this idiot. And for those of you who don't know who Scott Frost is, he is a former QB for the Nebraska Cornhuskers from 1995 -1997 where he was the starting QB for there 1997 National Championship team. So there is your trivia question and answer.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
7:00 PM ET South Carolina at North Carolina State - ESPN/ESPN 360
7:30 PM ET North Texas at Ball State ESPNU
10:15 PM ET No. 16 Oregon at No. 14 Boise State ESPN/ESPN 360
Friday, September 4, 2009
8:00 PM ET Tulsa at Tulane - ESPN/ESPN 360
Saturday, September 5, 2009
12:00 PM ET Navy at No. 6 Ohio State - ESPN/ESPN 360
12:00 PM ET Minnesota at Syracuse - ESPN2/ESPN 360
12:00 PM ET Kentucky at Miami (OH) -ESPN U
3:30 PM ET No. 13 Georgia at No. 9 Oklahoma State - ABC
3:30 PM ET Nevada at No. 23 Notre Dame - NBC
3:30 PM ET Jackson State at Mississippi State - ESPNU
3:40 PM ET Missouri vs. Illinois - ESPN
7:00 PM ET No. 20 Brigham Young vs. No. 3 Oklahoma - ESPN
8:00 PM ET No. 5 Alabama vs. No. 7 Virginia Tech - ABC
10:00 PM ET Maryland at No. 12 California - ESPN2/ESPN 360
10:30 PM ET No. 11 LSU at Washington - ESPN/ESPN 360
Sunday, September 6, 2009
3:30 PM ET No. 8 Mississippi at Memphis - ESPN/ESPN 360
Monday, September 7, 2009
4:00 PM ET Cincinnati at Rutgers - ESPN/ESPN 360
8:00 PM ET Miami (FL) at No. 18 Florida State - ESPN/ESPN360