Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top Ten Movies About Football - Quarterback Edition

Honorable Mention Category:

These are the guys that almost made the cut. Some of them just didn't have the resume to be on the list but we will celebrate them anyway.

Randall 'Pink' Floyd - "Dazed and Confused" - I guess I can understand him not wanting to play by the rules. It was 1976, but he owed it too his team to fall in line with the coaches request of getting the petition signed and not engage in any alcohol or drug related activity that would somehow jeopardize those dreams of a championship season in '77. It all had to do with that other crowd he was running around with and his main concern that summer was getting Aerosmith tickets. Can you blame the guy? Still the old-timers at the little league game felt he had the talent, he just has a 5 cent head on top of his shoulders.

Rifleman - "All the Right Moves" - Rifleman was talented enough to lead the team, he just had some knuckleheads on the other side of the ball and got put in some bad situations. Still, a quality QB would have made something out of nothing.

Johnny Utah - "Point Break" - Never saw him play a snap but he did perform well on the Beach, with the board and the ball. I guess he felt the FBI was the highest level he could achieve.

Paul Crewe - "The Longest Yard" (2005) - Interesting remake of a classic and it certainly had its highlights. I mean can you argue with a guy named Cheeseburger Eddie. Still doesn't hold a candle to 1974 film.

Lance Harbor- "Varsity Blues" -This guy had it all, the talent, the team, the coach, and the girl. Unfortunately his knee injury cost him what might have been with football and this top ten. I am sure he will make a fine coach for West Canaan though.

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