Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Creepy Neighbor- Observations

WTF Neighbor, no ditch cleaning after a rain. Maybe this fellow is on to me and has decided to eliminate all of his usual perks he throws out to the neighborhood including cleaning the ditches and not wiping us all off the face of the earth. For as long as I can remember, the scary man next door has always cleaned out the ditch in front of my house after a rain. Obviously this helps prevent the drain from getting jammed up with leaves that fall into the ditch and to aid in the natural flow and removal of rain water from collected areas. Over the past couple of weeks, when we have had a rain, this service has not been done. I guess this is a complaint, despite it being done for free and without any type of recourse. However, it puzzles me as to why it has all of a sudden stopped. Is it the before mentioned reason or is there something else. Possibly a hangover or a stomach problem. You never wanted to get in the middle of doing something and 'get struck'. I will continue to monitor the situation to see if he gets off his arse and gets back to work. Just because Obama promises change doesn't mean he has to start it off on my block. Get with the program, people are depending on you. I cannot believe I just said that, but I did.

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