Sunday, November 9, 2008

Suitable Football Music

In response to MacArthur's post concerning his observations of his recent trip to the Pillow Academy Football contest, I agree 100%. Cher never has and never will have a place in a football game. It just makes no sense whatsoever! Playing Cher at a football game is like playing Ice-T's 'Cop Killer' at a Policeman conference. It is morally wrong and completely inappropriate. MacArthur made some very fine suggestions for music to be played and I agree with him on those selections. However, this led me to think deeper into what really makes a song that is suitable for football games. Every Sunday you catch a little sound of some music being played at an NFL stadium and it sure as sh!t ain't Cher. Music is a motivator! You are out with friends, listening to some band and they go right into a favorite song of yours and many others. At that point you almost wet yourself because of the adrenaline rush that is sent throughout your body. It is a shot in the arm that means, from this point on you " Turn up the gas". This could be with reckless dancing or the continuation of the reckless assault on your liver. Either way, it is memorable and meaningful. The next day you sit around and recount the events from the night before and all of sudden someones says, ' Do you remember when the band played Free Bird'. .... 'Yeah'... ' Man they nailed that'. I think you are starting to see my point on this issue. Now, back to the prevalent issue.... What makes suitable football Music. There is no defined science on this, but I feel like some or all parts of a band and song need to come together in order to make this possible.

First off.... Drums, lots of drums, bass, snare, whatever. A heavy pounding of the drums.... See Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' for this.

Secondly, an Eerie Bass line. Something that makes your heart flutter a little bit with each cord. See Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' for this.

Thirdly, a Guitar riff that would shake your grandmama. See Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' for this.

Fourth and finally, Lyrics that make you question yourself, society, your fellow man and your opponent. See Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' for this.

I think you understand where I am going with this. I could compose a list of songs, but that would be pointless. There are far too many to name and besides MacArthur gave you three and those three are solid and can be used as a foundation to build your football music playing arsenal. Heck it doesn't even have to be that heavy, but for the sake of humanity, get rid of the Cher.

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