To those of you that read the blog and do not care about this fantasy football game... too bad. It is the 4th seed vs the 5th seed quarterfinal match up. It is important for both sides, as the winner moves on to face the number 1 seed, Johnny Hoo Ha! There is more than pride at stake, the winner advances and gets closer to that prize.... Money. That's right folks, we play for cold hard cash in this league. Pride, while it counts, is secondary. There are no moral victories. There are winners and there are losers. Yes, the Thunder Chickens lost there only regular season meeting between Greenwood Lumber Company, but this time around is different. Post Season!! Yahoo may have it pegged in GLC's favor, but we still gotta play the game. After last week, I am really hoping my guys show up. The Thunder Chickens have been riding the solid play of the Killer B's all season. That is Drew Bree's, Marion Barber, and Reggie Bush. All three rank respectively in the overall points and we have gotten some solid contributions from elsewhere. We made some good moves, we made some bad moves. I am sure that GLC will agree. I leave you with video of what both competitors are feeling and the dim reality of the entire situation.
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