Thursday, December 4, 2008

Well Played Macarthur....

I like the Rocky III reference. Clubber Lang, always a classic, strong-armed method of intimidation. Doesn't matter what color you are, where you are from; You put Clubber in the fold and normal people get a little scared, normal people. Not working in this case. You see; me, you and the rest of the world happen to dig on the Rocky flicks and if I remember correctly things didn't work out so good for Clubber in the end. Just as the case in this weeks fantasy matchup, GLC beat the Thunder Chickens the first time, beat em bad, just like Clubber beat Rocky. However, with the tutilage of Apollo(Tico), Rocky is able to regain what is rightfully his, the title and pride. Now, I don't have a former trainer/coach that has passed away from old age as the movie goes and I do not have a statue of myself anywhere located in the vicinity or surrounding areas of Greenwood, but I did throw my hat at someone today, so that will have to suffice. The Thunder Chickens are 'Getting Stronger' and we will be ready... whatever, cue the video.

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